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[AFM Flight] Collective Input Lag

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One of the reasons I've avoided using AFM to this point was due to the poor collective response while using my chosen flight controller (an xbox controller where the collective is controlled by the triggers on non-analog)

I'm curious if anyone has found a fix for the sluggish start to raising or lowering the collective in this configuration. If the speed was uniform(it becomes a uniform quick speed after a second or 2) it would be usable but due to the lag it is just not usable right now.

(I will ignore you if you tell me to use HOTAS, I have my reasons for not using them)

ADDITION: This is the same lag (float if you will) present while trying to fly AFM on the keyboard. I would assume the fix would be similar... Not sure why this lag even exists.

Edited by FatherSarge

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It's not lag but a design choice. The collective adjusts faster the longer you hold down the button and is a non-adjustable (as far as I can tell) feature of digital collective control in AFM. You'll have to use analog binds to get around it unfortunately.

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Be that as it may, it wasn't always like that and it is a very very very poor design choice BI.

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