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Adding firemode to vehicle weapon

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Hello there,

I'm trying to add second, higher ROF firemode for Pawnee's M134 minigun by creating weapon class based on M134_minigun. If I'm trying to edit default firing mode class in new weapon, it only allows to shoot in semiauto mode - and if I'm trying to create a new class, getting "no base class defined" - even though mentioned base class exists in the inherited weapon's (M134_minigun) config.

class M134_minigun;
class M134_minigun_modROF: M134_minigun
	class VHighROF: HighROF

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In your config you haven't declared HighROF and there's no mention of CfgWeapons.. This might help:


But be aware it's pointless (and maybe even detrimental) to turn the rof up to what it should be in real life:


Edited by Das Attorney

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Alright, thanks a lot mate. How did ROF work in Arma 2 anyways, wasn't it tied to frames like it is now in A3?

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