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Scripts for rifle range & CQB complex

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I'm wrapping up the training map of my upcoming unit, and I'm stuck on making the popup targets work. Now, I'm fairly new to scripting (and any advanced editor things) so that's an issue. I've searched the forums and interwebs to find a solution, but so far nothing works (or I'm doing something very wrong).

I'd like to have 3 ways:

- A rifle range where the targets start up, go down and stay down when shot until you have hit every target, then they all go back up automatically.

- On the same range, the targets pop up randomly when you initiate through a laptop. Also, I would like to have a counter on the screen where we can keep track of how many targets are hit. There should be 30 random pop ups per initiation.

- On our CQB complex, the targets all start up, go down and stay down when shot untill we once again reset the targets. Ideally, the instructors can reset these targets using the action menu.

Can anyone help me out with this? :)

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If no answer pops up, I would recommend you unpack Arma 3's weapon range missions and take a look at how BIS did it. I'm sure you'll find all you need in there.

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