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How do I disable the mods in arma 2 operation arrowhead but not arma 2?

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Hi, so I have just got ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead, looks way better than regular ArmA 2 by the way. Anyways I noticed that my ArmA 2 mods have been carried over to operation arrowhead. I don't want these mods in Operation Arrowhead, but I would like to keep them in regular ArmA 2, can someone help?

P.S I had to put the mods in the AddOns folder otherwise they wouldn't work.

Thanks - LigerFangz

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P.S I had to put the mods in the AddOns folder otherwise they wouldn't work.


Do not put the mods in the addons folder!, Ever! Never, no, nada, nein, never, I know of one guy already somewhere else that has done that and already ran

into issues where something keeps getting loaded and he cant figure it out, it actually broke his game and now all his maps are nothing but water now,

he had to do a complete reinstall because of it.

I made the same mistake when i first started in the series in OFP and never again!!!!

So what you need to do and I highly suggest you follow this or you will run into problems you dont want, is you need to use mod folders, ever page for download for

a mod has info about this and for a reason, this is very important to know, all mods work, but theres a way the game reads them, let me help you get this sorted.

Your issue is not that the game is reading the mods from Arma2 which you dont want, its because you havent used mod folders, with mod folders you can list specifically what mods

you want to load no matter the game.

This is a tutorial on how to setup mod folders, and info related to them:


So basically what you want to do is either create a mod folder or use the folder you get when you download a mod.

Just remember a mod is setup like this, it has the following

1. a folder titled @modname

2. inside the @modname folder is another folder titled addons

3. inside the addons folder is all the files for the mod such as pbos, and bisigns

thats it.

Now you want to add the mod folder to the shortcut target line as noted in the tutorial, or....

use a launcher.

Launcher - (Optional)

A launcher may be easier for you, this is the one I use for both Arma2CO and Arma3


with this you can create profiles for the mods you have, just create a title, ad a 1 word description, add the startup parameters like -nosplash

then add the mods from the left column to the right column, the right column is what gets loaded, the left column is your game directory.


Does that help? Any questions?

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