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sqf loop don't do what I write

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Hello, I maded script SQF.

Named "GiveWeapon.sqf"

_unit = _this select 0;
_weaponName = _this select 1;
_weaponAmmo = _this select 2;
_weaponQuantity = _this select 3;

//hint format ["\nUnit = %1\nWeapon Name = %2\nWeapon Ammo = %3\nWeapon Quantity = %4\n Arm weapon = %5\n ", _unit, _weaponName, _weaponAmmo, _weaponQuantity, _loaded];

for "_i" from 0 to _weaponQuantity do {
   _unit addMagazine _weaponAmmo;
_unit addWeapon _weaponName;

In editor I assign to unit on INIT

removeAllWeapons this; [this, "M9", "15Rnd_9x19_M9", 6] exec "GiveWeapon.sqf"

In-game I'll got weapon M9 with one Magazine. Why?

I goes deep for debug.

for "_i" from 0 to _weaponQuantity do {
   hint format ["%1", _i];

This print 'any' :butbut:

_n = 0;
while {_n < _weaponQuantity} do {
_n = _n + 1;
_unit addMagazine _weaponAmmo;

Too doesn't work. What I do wrong?

Game: Armed Assault 2 Operation Arrowhead (CO)

Platform: PC on Steam

Version: 1.62.103718

Edited by siOnzee
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The script seems ok but you are using exec to execute it when it should be used just for sqs and thats a sqf script. So i guess try to run in with execVM instead? or call + compile( or, in a3, define it on cfgfunctions and then call it)...

Edited by columdrum

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Thaaanks maaan! execVM fixed my problem. Why this isn't in the Documentation? :confused:

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Why this isn't in the Documentation?

It is:


It is not recommended to use this command in any game other than OFP. Instead, the execVM command should be used.

Learn more about scripts under Scripts.


The commands to execute scripts are:


exec starts a thread for a script in SQS syntax.

execVM (Armed Assault only)

execVM compiles a script in SQF syntax and starts a thread for it.

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