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Export Altis ingame map

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Hi everyone,

Im pretty new here and im not sure if i post this in the right section, but here we go. I would like to know if it is possible to extract/export the ingame map from Altis.

I tried looking in the arma 3 folder but could find anything. Searching the internets didn't give me the answer i was looking for. If anyone could point me in the right direction would be great!

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


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Do you need the satellite map or the contours map?

The contours map is quite impossible I think as Arma calculates that on the fly but the satellite map is certainly possible. I made full size maps of Panovo (IFA) and a few others.

If you extract the map_altis.pbo and look inside the folder map_altis\data\layers, you'll find the tiles there. They'll be in PAA format so you'll have to convert them to PNG. After that you can stitch them together, keep in mind that the tiles have several pixels overlap so firing up Photoshop and loading in two adjacent tiles to figure out the overlap is not a bad idea :)

I've used HTML and CSS to do the maps I mentioned so if you're familiar with that I can explain that technique to you if you like.

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The contour map would be great if possible. But i will try the satellite map first.

Thanks for the information!

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From the BIKI:

following cheats require you to hold [Left Shift] down and then press the [Numpad - (minus)] button. Then let go and type the appropriate cheat code (capitalization doesn't matter). Nothing is displayed as you type however the key strokes are being recorded.


Generates a map in EMF vector format. The file is (not) always created at the root directory of the C: drive (Windows 7 with UAC might put the file in Virtualstore, "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Virtualstore" ). The output file is generated when the map is next viewed in game. German Users: Enter TOPOGRAPHZ instead.

Dunno if this works in arma3.

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Thanks for the feedback guys!

I decided to go with Stratis first, because of the size and it took less time to convert the images and make a map of it.

Small preview of what i got so far: http://puu.sh/dMOec/07dc73be8b.jpg

I will post some more information/screenshots this week and maybe even upload the map.

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