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Config help

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Tried searching on forums.

This is my first attempt at any addon editing. To the point. I don't like the weapons of an addon. So what I did is I unpboed the pbo and went to the config file and changed all the weapons to my choice. The I pboed the new folder. Well it worked problem is now all the rvmats aren't showing up. Literally the only thing I changed were the weapons and magazines names. The vests, unifororms, helmets are not showing. Its just clear and non existent. So I now I don't understand why it isnt working. Any help?

Edited by TexKaz

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Where did you get the pbo? is it a bi pbo or a user created one?

Also, you said you changed the weapon to your choice. What does that mean? Did you change the weapons or did you change the weapons that the soldiers are equipped with? The way you describe it makes it sound like how I used to change things in BF2. For this, it can be complicated.

First, you can't mess with bi pbo's. The game is watching you. And if it sees one of it's little babies manipulated, then the entire pbo won't work at all for textures. I tried a jet once. It was in the game, but textures wouldn't work so I was flying around in an invisible jet.

Second, changing the name of something won't change anything, because it's still the same model.

Third, on a soldier, changing the weapon can be easier. You just need to find the right classname and replace it. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Assets

So you need to be clear. What exactly did you change. Maybe you could copy the section you changed and post it here so we can see it so we know exactly what you are doing. But most important, all of the things I mentioned can all be changed in the mission. Well, as long as you create it. Changing someone elses mission is a different story. So please be specific.

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If you leave and space in the name like "Helmet Aor2 " or " Helmet aor2" instead "helmet aor2". Or you delete some ; arma read all and stop in the problem. Look for some fails like these or post your config.

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Oh wow sorry haven't came back to this, but no I just changed the weapon in the config. Did not touch anything else. And this is a user created pbo. SGW Ukraine to be exact.

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