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Response Force Alpha - Selectively Recruiting

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Who are we?
In the fictitious world of Arma 3, our group was recently activated in NATO’s efforts to create a rapid response force in answer to modern international challenges and unstable nations. Activated first is Alpha Company, a Special Operations Direct Action unit affectionately referred within the halls of NATO as Response Force Alpha (RFA).

Acting under the command of NATO, we are tasked with the following;

Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and which employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets

Who are you?
Age always seems to be a factor when players are looking for an Arma 3 online gaming group. Both in this group as well as those RFA members have enjoyed in the past has left the membership with the decision of implementing a minimum age requirement of 30 years old. However, if an applicant can display maturity we will waive the age limit.


Also, as we have a strong code of respect, we don't make anyone feel uncomfortable about race, religion, beliefs or lifestyle choices. We are welcoming of mature players regardless. To this point, we are a great environment for female players and have even taken the female faces mod into our modpack to allow for this.

Other Arma 3 gaming Groups (clans)
We would also like to extend the following thought to any smaller Arma 3 groups who may be tired of the usual challenges in running an online gaming group. These challenges could include ongoing recruitment, covering server and forum costs as well as member management.

Response Force Alpha would be willing to discuss bringing a smaller group into ours. While members of the smaller group would become RFA members, follow our code of conduct, mods and training schedules they would also enjoy our mod repository, server, forum as well as becoming part of the brotherhood we've built over the last year or so.

We don't expect to have many of these conversations as its really something that requires the planets to align. However, consideration should be given to the military doctrine RFA follows, which is Direct Action. This is used to describe the focus of special operations groups such as the SAS, US Navy Seals, etc. We don't use armor or fixed wing aircraft. Those thinking about this offer should also understand, RFA never intends on being a super-sized group with no more than 35 - 40 members in total.

If this sound like something to be discussed, come to the RFA forums and send a PM to Linden and Rich to set up a time to chat!

What you need to join;

  • Be at least 30 years of age
  • Legal copy of Arma 3
  • Working mic and headphones (for Teamspeak)
  • Can attend 3 out of 4 Company Practices (1300 CST - 1700 CST)
  • Willingness and ability to meet our core values and mission statement




Edited by mustangdelta
Changed age
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The group will be returning from its holiday furlough on 11 JAN, however Executive command have been worked through the group's time off to perfect its mod pack, create a robust basic and advanced training program as well as review applications.

As a reminder, we are a Direct Action group, meaning we are constantly training to improve as a group as well as individually. As we recruit players based on personality and dedication rather that how long they've played, we have focused on making all facets of our group robust and thorough.

Some matters completed by Executive Command include;

Finalization of the hardcoded loadouts over our five different uniforms. We have the following uniforms;

  • MTP - Default and used in multiple terrains
  • Woodland - Used in dense northern hemisphere terrain
  • Tigerstripe - Used in dense equatorial terrain
  • Desert - Used in arid terrain
  • Special Operations (SO) Blue - Used for quick raid scenarios

All of the above are custom textures and uniforms unique to our group

Refined the use of the following mods

  • AGM
  • RH weapons
  • Massi's Vehicle and Units releases
  • Air and sea assets comprobable to Direct Action doctrine

Created training for

  • Basic Combat Training
  • CQB
  • Explosives
  • Air insertions
  • Water (surface and underwater) insertions

So the real question is, are you going to be part of all the above :)

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RFA Readiness Report

January update


  • We can proudly count sixteen quality members filling our ranks.
  • We honored to have a members bring prior and current military experience to the group to allow for Company SOP's reflect those used in the real world
  • The established standard for members has been maintained with selective approval


To date Company training has covered;

  • Specialized formations
  • HALO and HAHO insertions
  • React To Contact movement

Scheduled for the month of FEB 2015

  • Demo training
  • Ambush tactics (utilizing Demo SOP)
  • Linear Danger Area SOP
  • Combat Diving

It should be noted, unique missions have been organized for all the above


Further unique custom-made uniforms have been requisitioned. Inventory now includes following

  • MTP Camo
  • Woodland Camo
  • Desert
  • Jungle
  • Scuba (logistics have determined a method of changing from Scuba gear to operational camo with unique backpack system)


  • The MV 22 has been successfully tested and accepted as standard equipment


  • Procurement of dedicated server allows for multiple servers to be managed as well as teamspeak


  • Two new factions of custom created potential enemies have been profiled
  • This brings the total number to three unique, custom created factions monitored by RFA
  • NATO Intelligence reports two more possible factions preparing to destabilize certain regions of NATO members

Overall Assessment

  • 133rd Logistics 'Ravens' should be fully manned with six personnel within forty-five (45) days of filing this report
  • Squads Oscar 1 and 2 and prepared to be fully manned within sixty (60) days of filing this report
  • Specialized training such as NAV and Leadership should be offered within sixty (60) days of filing this report

Now here's the question......

  • Do you want to be part of this amazing team?
  • If yes, do you have what it takes to grow a unit like this?
  • Is your first thought 'What can I give' rather than 'What's in it for me?'

Response Force Alpha

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Pictures say a thousand words....our latest company training. Our training focus was Liner danger area's (LDA's) and what we are nicknaming a QCAS (Quick Cas) which closely reflects a CCS.

Enjoy! If you feel you could add to the group and would enjoy being among us, let us know!

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Response Force Alpha continues to attract the attention of mature, fun players moving the group along its path of targeted growth. We couldn't be happier with our roster and are always willing to selectively add to it.

Our high expectations and focused standard of membership doesn't make an application guaranteed acceptance just as we aren't a good fit for everyone. The minimum qualifications for consideration are

  • Minimum age of 30 years old
  • Working mic and headphones (for Teamspeak)
  • Can attend 3 out of 4 Company Practices (1300 CST - 1700 CST)
  • Willingness and ability to meet our core values and mission statement


If you meet the above and we all feel it would be a good fit, here are the things we do every Sunday;



  Edited by mustangdelta

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Response Force Alpha

The group continues to be selective on the choices made to fill our ranks. Even with our minimum age requirement of 30 years or older and a fairly robust conversation before accepting an application, we have seen that not all those accepted continue on with the group.

We do expect a lot from our members but offer much in return;

  • A great group of mature players
  • Some of the most thorough and best training in Arma 3
  • Dedicated members
  • Varied gameplay using all types of insertion methods to challenge the most dynamic and difficult missions
  • Unique missions every week in all the theaters (maps) available to Arma 3

We are a Direct Action force, meaning we follow the military doctrine used by many special operations units such as the Navy SEALs, SAS, etc. We don't pretend to be, nor do we take on the mantle of those forces out of respect and the understanding that not only is Arma 3 only a game, but we can only enjoy the reputation we build for ourselves.

With those understandings, it should be no surprise that we acknowledge not every applicant will be accepted. Of those that are, not every one will complete the Basic Combat Training.

Those that do however, know they've found an online home for the greatest MilSim available.

Our latest adventures

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Response Force Alpha

Update for May 2015

There are many different types of groups offering a variety of Arma fun in these forums. We are proud that not only are we delivering on all of our promises, but our foundation of principles and core values have helped us continue to strengthen Response Force Alpha.

Minimum age of 30
This has attracted mature players that appear to enjoy the fine blend of realistic gameplay, need for tactics and focus we serve up week after week.

Profanity free gaming
Our group makes every effort to keep the atmosphere enjoyable by avoiding a Teamspeak channel full of profanity. This has created an online destination that has our members coming back week after week for strategic fun.

Custom missions and in-depth training
Our custom missions are seen in our videos we publish every week and offer variety by taking advantage of the full scope of the military doctrine, Direct Action. Our training is planned six weeks in advance with the topics covered featured on our calender.

Respect is respect in every form
While ranks are used to recognize effort and time served, it's never used to address each other or in communication. All opinions are considered equally, whether a member helped found the group or they've just joined, their opinions and views matter equally. This has truly created a group of equals that will never leave a member behind in our cyber-battles.

Every level of playing skills, real life experiences and any advantages members can bring to our group is valued. Our training is designed to help all players, whether they've just bought the game or have played every Arma title published.

The relaxed atmosphere allows players to learn at their own pace without intimidation or embarrassment.

Limited size doesn't mean limited missions
We are only aiming to have three six-man squads as well as a fourth for logistical purposes. This is yet another reason we are selective in who are allowed to fill the few slots we have available. Those whose applications are accepted and those that go on to earn a full membership in our group enjoy complex and challenging missions that would test groups twice our size. We truly echo the saying of 'the only easy day was yesterday'.

We would ask interested candidates to watch some of our videos, which are lightly edited for time sake, read our forums, which aren't edited at all. All of these will paint the truest picture you can have of Response Force Alpha without attending one training or custom mission.

Because we stand by 'what you see is what you get', our videos tend to feature all the mission time or maybe minimal edits. We're proud of what we do week in week out, whether they victorious or not, we learn and enjoy it all.

For those that are a good match, this could be the last Arma group you'll ever be a member of. We have sixteen people that feel that right now.


Edited by mustangdelta

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Response Force Alpha

Update for May 2015

Our group continues to have high quality weekly training and original missions week after week. While many will promise what they have, Response Force Alpha shows it by releasing videos of our missions every week. These are minimally edited, with many not edited at all.

This is who we are, what we do and the standard to which we do it.

Lets talk about what specific roles we would like to recruit for;

Combat Support Crewman
The CSC (Combat Support Crewman) is responsible for managing the movement of personnel for insertions, reinsertion's, extractions as well as resupplying personnel or operations and offering both Close Air and Fire Support. The get to drive our vehicles, fly our aircraft, navigate our craft that move on top and below the water's surface. They also utilize drones to act as the ground forces eyes on the ground. CSC train with the ground units every week and must be a rifleman first. After all, they rotate through an embedded position with the ground squads, so they need to know how to move and fight.

Here are the ground slots we recruit for;
Automatic Rifleman
He is the 'hammer' of the squad, bringing the ability to effect heavy fire ideal for suppression. This role is perfect for players who constantly want to be in the thick of the action.

This rifleman will make the extra effort to understand the assigned mission waypoints, confer and advise the SL with mission routes as well as travel ahead of the squad acting as the eyes and ears of the group. This is not a role in name only, the scout is wholly responsible for recommending a route and then guiding the ground forces along it, safely and quickly as possible.

Tasked with the health of the squad and charged with keeping the members operational able. Considered one of the most important roles in the squad, the medic also needs to be the most brave, running through incoming fire not for glory but to save his wounded brothers, 'So that others may live'.

Expert in managing explosives for breaching, ambushes or general destruction and mayhem. This member also manages AT when needed. As with the scout, when something needs to be destroyed, the demo guy is responisble for suggesting a solution to the squad Leader as well as how to distribute the load among the squad.

Designated Marksman
Enjoys a skillset of marksmanship and an ability to communicate clearly. This member will be charged most often with providing overwatch with an understanding they may not necessarily be engaging the enemy but tracking them to guide other squad members through undetected movement. The ingress and egress weapon carried will the squad M4 with the DM changing to a specialty weapon when required.

Edited by mustangdelta

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p><p>This has attracted mature players that appear to enjoy the fine blend of realistic gameplay, need for tactics and focus we serve up week after week. This is not a hard number there are some members that are under the age of 30, but they

Custom missions and in-depth training

Our custom missions are seen in our videos we publish every week and offer variety by taking advantage of the full scope of the military doctrine, Direct Action. Our training is planned six weeks in advance with the topics covered featured on our calender.

Respect is respect in every form

While ranks are used to recognize effort and time served, it's never used to address each other or in communication. All opinions are considered equally, whether a member helped found the group or they've just joined, their opinions and views matter equally. This has truly created a group of equals that will never leave a member behind in our cyber-battles.

Every level of playing skills, real life experiences and any advantages members can bring to our group is valued. Our training is designed to help all players, whether they've just bought the game or have played every Arma title published.

The relaxed atmosphere allows players to learn at their own pace without intimidation or embarrassment.

Limited size doesn't mean limited missions

We are only aiming to have three six-man squads as well as a fourth for logistical purposes. This is yet another reason we are selective in who are allowed to fill the few slots we have available. Those whose applications are accepted and those that go on to earn a full membership in our group enjoy complex and challenging missions that would test groups twice our size. We truly echo the saying of 'the only easy day was yesterday'.

We would ask interested candidates to watch some of our videos, which are lightly edited for time sake, read our forums, which aren't edited at all. All of these will paint the truest picture you can have of Response Force Alpha without attending one training or custom mission.

Because we stand by 'what you see is what you get', our videos tend to feature all the mission time or maybe minimal edits. We're proud of what we do week in week out, whether they victorious or not, we learn and enjoy it all.

For those that are a good match, this could be the last Arma group you'll ever be a member of. We have sixteen people that feel that right now.

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As our group quickly approaches the grand old age of one year old we continue to look for a few mature members rather than blindly accepting every application received. This effort and patience in building our group is seen in the high quality gameplay enjoyed every Sunday in unique, custom missions.


Our goal of establishing a quality online gaming community is first seen in the choice of a Direct Action doctrine. Rather than take the mantle of Navy SEALs or the SAS, we choose to create our own legacy with a ficticious story that is very close to current events.


We ask applicants to watch a few of our video's, the shorter ones are fine. We want applicants to know what they're applying to. This goes back to the desire of attracting those that share our goal of quality Direct Action missions week in and week out rather than gathering as many names on a roster as we can.


We have a minimum recruitment age of 30. If an applicant really feels his maturity can sway us to waive that, we're keen to listen but the argument better be presented well.


Finally arranging a chat. We screen every application. RFA enjoys an awesome server, TS, mods, all the stuff found in one recruitment post after another. Our most prized possession are our current members and we make an effort to ensure whoever joins our ranks will respect them as much as they will the group and what we're trying to achieve. If an applicant can't arrange somethng as simple as a chat on our TS, then we have to question their ability to attend our weekly company training as well as the mandatory six hours of Basic Combat Training.


Thats right, six hours of basic training broken over four sections builds a foundation of knowledge that covers everything from radio comms to formations and movement.


Are we for everyone? Heaven no. But for the right person, we are an amazing way to spend four hours on a Sunday with an incredible bunch of guys.


Forum - http://responseforcealpha.enjin.com/forum


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The group has reached its first full year of being around and we're going into our second year with a strong bunch of members.


We do ask for our members to be mature and did establish a minimum age of 30. However, if an applicant can display maturity we will waive the age limit. Also, as we have a strong code of respect, we don't make anyone feel uncomfortable about race, religon, beleifs or lifestyle choices. We are welcoming of mature players regardless. To this point, we are a great environment for female players and have even taken the female faces mod into our modpack to allow for this.


If anything we've said in this post or any of the others sounds interesting, reach out to us on our forums.

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Response Force Alpha (RFA) is approaching our two year anniversary and we have opportunities for mature gamers to join our ranks and have fun.  Thanks to the efforts of those before us as well as an active core base of current members, RFA has a solid foundation for our gaming group - great website and forums, great procedures and policies, great training manuals, and awesome videos of RFA in action. As with many on-line gaming groups, we’ve had trials and tribulations but we have a strong group of core Arma enthusiasts at the helm and we’re looking to grow.  


As a direct response force, RFA conducts a wide variety of missions where we utilize teamwork, communication, and tactical superiority to achieve mission success.  RFA is currently deployed to the Pacific theatre of operations to assist SASO with securing the sovereignty of the Outdonesia archipelago of Tanoa (Arma Apex is required) - you can read more about our current deployment and some of our recent missions here.


RFA is looking to recruit new members to join both our ground units and combat support crewman (transportation, intelligence and logistics via air, land, water ). We welcome new members in ones, twos, threes, or even possibly entire squads to join our ranks.


If you enjoy tactical first person gaming and are looking to join a squad, if you are a group of friends that aren’t quite happy with the level of maturity, dedication and/or commitment of your current group, or if you’re fed up with the hassle of running your own group, shoot us a message on the website or submit an application.  We’d like to talk.


Our application states an age requirement of 30, however, many of our current members are younger. We ask mainly that our members exhibit maturity and respect. If you possess those traits, you’ll be welcome at RFA. Come join us … let the adventures begin. Check us out on the web at www.responseforcealpha.com or on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGELl121iHAGlIvmnfcIa9A.

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February 2017 Update

Response Force Alpha




Entering the new year Response Force Alpha is continuing to answer the call to strike swiftly and effectively against the enemies of NATO. With custom missions every Sunday at 1400 hours EST Response Force Alpha is continuing its mission as being first, fast and final!


We are currently rebuilding our ranks after some of our members decided to depart and form a new unit. However, that hasn’t stopped RFA from meeting every Sunday and enjoying what Arma III has to offer. Now is the perfect time to join Response Force Alpha. By joining today you have the opportunity to select what role you would like to play.


Our roles are the following:


Team Leader: For those with experience and the ambition to take control and lead the way. You must be able to handle pressure and effectively coordinate your team through intense situations.


Scout: An experienced rifleman with the ability to navigate all types of terrain and relay what path to take for the Team Leader. The Scout must also possess good radio communication skills.


Autorifleman: An important role. Being the Autorifleman you are responsible for laying down fire to support an advance or tactical withdraw in a heated firefight.


Medic: Taking care of the unit is what you do best. The Medic must possess the skills to keep calm in a firefight and assist those that are injured in a safe and tactical manner.


Sapper: Blowing things up and disarming explosives is your M.O.. The Sapper must be able to use and defuse all sorts of explosives. He is often called to inspect suspicious materials in case of an improvised explosive device.


Marksmen: Your rifle is your greatest ally. The Marksmen will often work with the Team Leader to suppress and neutralize the opposing force through careful aim. Understanding how optics work is essential to the Marksmen and must be understood before becoming the Marksmen.


Joining Response Force Alpha is easy but becoming a full member takes effort. We ask that you be 30 years old to apply. We may waive the age restriction if you display the attitude and maturity of an older player. We currently have two operators that are under the age of 30 so don’t feel discouraged if you are under 30 years old.


If you have any questions feel free to PM me at any time. Please allow 48 hours for me to respond.

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