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How do I prevent bodies from disappearing instantaneously upon respawn?

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I have spent a full day, if not more, trying to figure out a respawning issue that I have been having in my multiplayer missions.

I am currently using VBS3, but a lot of the Arma2/OA/3 scripting is interchangeable. I am well aware not a lot of people have access to VBS, but the support is all the same to me.

Here is a brief overview of what I am experiencing:

I have a mission that I have rigged to act as a multiplayer Deathmatch. My "description.ext" file regulates the respawn type, and the respawn delay.

respawn = 3;
respawnDelay = 10;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 120;
corpseLimit = 10;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 180; 

My spawn points are markers along the outside border of my "arena" and they are labelled as respawn_guerrilla[1,2,3,etc.]

Regardless of what side my units are they always spawn in these locations - this is fine.

Here is my issue. I have two units that have been placed in a map (we will call them A and B), both are being played by human characters. When player "A" kills player "B", player "B" must wait 10 seconds before respawning. Once player "B" respawns, the corpse he was controlling disappears at the same time he "respawns". This is a pain because it gives player "A" a short amount of time to loot the body of player "B" before he disappears and the inventory is lost "forever".

A common work-around I have heard to this, is to create another unit of the same class, and forcibly (in script) tell player "B" to play/select the new generated character.

So here's a recap:

• I want to create another unit of the same type/class and take control of it after a 10 second respawn delay to prevent the old body from disappearing.


• Upon death the player drops his entire inventory where he died.

• The new unit the player is about to control also needs to spawn randomly one of the given waypoints/markers.

I do not call myself a coder by any stretch of the imagination, but it has gotten to the point where I am lost in all the syntax to understand what I am looking for in order to fix my issue(s). If anymore is willing to take the time to help me out and possibly explain to me how they came up with the code to accomplish what I am asking, I would be greatly appreciated.

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I don't know VBS or A3. The corpse params are all listed as A3.


Bodies don't typically disappear on respawn in A2 or OA unless Garbage Collector (GC) is set up.

Seems the Corpse Manager Mode is used to manage the corpse removals, is the option in VBS?

--- Edit --

Because I was thinking if your param times worked, would the scripts still be needed?

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