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ARMA II AI, make them follow waypoints more straight?

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I want to make an amphibious assault with the vehicles, but the AI vehicles refuse to go to the beach I waypointed and instead are diverting off to some other place on the side. How can I make it so the AI will go straight into the beach. I'm using Utes as the map.

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Waypoints are group commands. Check your grouping. My experience is that AI do that sort of thing when a group is split; they'll try to reconsolidate with lost members before moving on to waypoints. Don't know if it's happening in your mission, but check to see if groups are split up.

Also if the vehicle driver is a different group than the cargo soldiers, the vehicle driver moves to his own waypoint. There needs to be synchronized waypoints for the boat driver and the cargo soldiers (Transport Unload for driver with Get Out for cargo troops), with the soldiers having another waypoint further inland. The driver's group could also be given a Get Out waypoint following the Transport Unload.

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Ya, so I have the vehicle driver have a way point set to the beach with "Transport unload", but my squad inside are given a separate waypoint to move to a location.

Are you saying I have to use the squad inside the vehicle and select the same place I put the vehicles to unload at a waypoint to "Get out"?

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Ya, so I have the vehicle driver have a way point set to the beach with "Transport unload", but my squad inside are given a separate waypoint to move to a location.

Are you saying I have to use the squad inside the vehicle and select the same place I put the vehicles to unload at a waypoint to "Get out"?

Yes. It sounds like you have two groups, one being the vehicle crew and the other being the cargo troops.

The vehicle is given a "Transport Unload" waypoint on the beach. The squad in cargo is also given a "Get Out" waypoint on the beach, synchronized to the "Transport Unload" of the vehicle. For a shoreline landing, both waypoints need to have about a five or ten meter completion radius to account for the tide (the default radius is too exact for a shifting shoreline). The two waypoints are placed on top of each other. After the "Get Out" waypoint the disembarking squad is given a "Move" waypoint to send them charging inland.

So the vehicle will move to the unload waypoint, and won't move further until all cargo troops have unloaded. The cargo troops are cargo in transport, and move with the vehicle. They won't disembark until they reach their get out waypoint. The getout waypoint won't complete until all its group members have gotten out of the vehicle. The unload waypoint won't complete until all the cargo troops have disembarked. Being synchronized, the two waypoints don't complete until both are satisfied. Then the vehicle crew and the troops will perform their next waypoints.

Edited by OpusFmSPol
realized "amphibeous assault" might not mean "boats"

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