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Disable an AddAction for EAST player.

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Hey guys, was wondering how you would go about removing an addAction command for East players. For instance disabling the 'apply loadout' from LEA for East players? Thanks in advance for any help.

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  OpusFmSPol said:
_side = side _unit;

if (_side == EAST) then {_unit removeAction _index};

Cheers for the response, but where would i implement that code?

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I don't use LEA so I don't know at what point in mission scripting the addAction is given to the unit.

Generally, it would go in a block of code immediately following the addAction being added to the unit, so that the addAction is immediately removed if given to an EAST unit. The preventive approach would be to allow the addAction to be added only if not EAST:

if (_side != EAST) then { ....run the code giving the addAction... };

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  OpusFmSPol said:
I don't use LEA so I don't know at what point in mission scripting the addAction is given to the unit.

Generally, it would go in a block of code immediately following the addAction being added to the unit, so that the addAction is immediately removed if given to an EAST unit. The preventive approach would be to allow the addAction to be added only if not EAST:

if (_side != EAST) then { ....run the code giving the addAction... };

Cheers again, basically when a player using LEA scrolls his mouse he has the option to 'Apply loadout' as well as all the usual changing to binoculars and weapon and such. I am running insurgency with LEA allowed on the server. So I want the 'apply loadout' option to be unavailable to opfor players. Thanks for your help anyway man, appreciate it much.

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Having watched this video I have the impression the LEA addAction is given to players in proximity to a respawn marker or object. Players only see the addAction when in proximity.

Running a server isn't in my experience range. On mission editor side, thoughts are an event handler added to units during init, or a repeating trigger encompassing the respawn zones. But the code being run would need some means of identifying and referencing the addaction ID assigned by the LEA. That may or may not be complicated.

I'm sure it wouldn't be the best way of handling it as well. I would think server would have a better means of doing it, I just don't have that experience.

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