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Question About Factions, Sub-Factions, and How They're Made

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So I had a question, say for my friend and I play as a unit who I sort of lead in a "roleplay" fashion in which stuff actually happens instead of this long lasting battle against the AAF and CSAT, or just CSAT, or NATO, etc.... I use some mods as well with these, but sometimes I would like some factions in BluFor to fight against other BluFor when I place them down. So like they're another faction. So, I have the PG Services mod(just for the skins, we arent actual PMCs), and right now my friend and I are participating in a war against NATO vs CSAT vs Independents(Which is PG and AAF for now). But let's say this war ends, the U.S and us still have bad relations, however Britain and us are very friendly to each other. Another war starts, I want Britain to be on our side against like the USMC sub-faction, but you can't do that as far as I've learned/I don't know how to do that. So my question. How could I move like the British ARC mod or something like that to the Independent faction (of course not posting it, so no sort of "law breaks" would happen if I modified it without permission or any of that crap)? And a little bit of a side question. I have no scripting, modding, anything experience, so what is a little faction made of. How do you place certain units in a certain faction then put that faction inside the Blu,Red,or Green factions and make it so they do fight each other? Thank you in advance guys! ~Daniels

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Head over to the mission editing forums. You can do want you outlined here, but you'll need to learn a thing or two about scripting.

Here's a thread about switching allegiances if it helps you: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170520-Need-help-with-setfriend-or-alternative&p=2584286&viewfull=1#post2584286

Basically, you set up relationship between opfor, blufor, indy and civ at the start of the mission.

Then if you want to change who hates who during the mission, then assign the unit/group to a side that will attack who you need them to.

You're limited to the 4 sides though so you need to think about it and set up the relationships to suit what you're doing during the mission.

To answer the first part of your question, you can move all the Britsh units to independent by getting their groups and using joinSilent to move them to new independent groups. Check that link for some code to do it.

Good luck!

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