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X52 non pro problem

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I've bought a new X52 and I love it. It works very well in Elite Dangerous and DCS World but I'm having a huge issue in Arma3.

All planes and helicopters tend to move left as if the joystick was not centered and this only happens in arma. If I move my joystick to the left the stick moves very slowly in the helicopter or the airplane which only confirms my suspicion that the joystick in arma is not centered properly.

I know that there is nothing wrong with it since I've already put 3 hours into E.D and more than that in DCS.

Can anyone help?

Edited by Denco

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Try increasing ingame deadzone settings?

I did deceased them so they are non existent. I hardly consider increasing deadzone to be a fix.

EDIT: Strange I didn't noticed this before. I tried E.D again and noticed that the ship is moving left. I guess my stick is going back.

Edited by Denco

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I have the X52 as well but I've never had any issues with it. Have you tried unplugging and plugging in the device when the stick is centered before launching the game while the computer is on? As far as I know, the joystick is calibrated each time it is connected. You may need to update drivers as well...

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I think it might have been an issue with my joystick and my rat 5 mouse both from Saitek. I removed the drivers for my rat 5 mouse and completely reinstalled drivers for my joystick and I was able to fly for 2 hours now without any issues.

The calibration issue was weird since joy tester showed that both axis were perfectly calibrated so I reckon that my mouse was causing a conflict. I found this out because I had 2 Programmable Root Emulators in my Device Manager both from saitek and one of them was not working properly.

Edited by Denco

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