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[IT] BDR: Brigata Dispiegamento Rapido

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I'd like to present you the Italian Arma3 Community Brigata Dispiegamento Rapido (something like Quick Reaction Force). We switched on Arma3 after having played several years on Arma2 ACE+ACRE. Our team has always played the Arma series starting from the first Arma in 2008.

We are a realism Unit (MilSim), focused on the simulation of realistic scenarios. We strictly play no respawn and no interface aids (crosshair and so on).

The main purpose of the BDR Clan is to simulate military scenarios. Therefore the organization, the moments of play, the chain of command are all inspired to the military reality, but readapted by our team members to the needs of the game - we are not military fanatics but players whose ultimate and definitive objective is ENJOYMENT and getting together. We mostly play homemade missions developed by our mission makers, and we enjoy playing them with a good level of organisation and concentration.

We also are founder and/or participate in several Communities whose aim is to enable well organised, large scale operations, both Coop and PvP. Examples are Arma Tactical Combat, Rolling Thunder and SHAPE.

You can see some of our operations in our YouTube Channel.

Roles availability

The clan is mostly an infantry squadron, with specialised SPECOPS roles, depending on the type of mission. However we recently started a project called "Squadron Centauri" aimed to form a mechanised infantry squadron. The squadron has his own patch that you can see here:


Rotorcraft pilots are also used to ensure safe transport to active squads.


Regarding our schedule, we play almost every day depending on presence, internal missions start usually at 21:00 CET (Central Europe Time, UTC+1) (UTC+2 during Daylight Saving Time).

A few solid points throughout the week:

Monday is dedicated to training (Centauri Squadron training).

Wednesday is our official internal mission day

Sunday id dedicated to multi-clan events (Joint ops or PvP/TvTs)

We are of course flexible about time and day of the operations, especially team vs team and multi clan sessions.


We obiously speak mainly Italian in our internal operations, and English in the Joint Ops and multi clan events.

Servers and repositories

We have a dedicated machine hosting a number of Arma 3 servers, public and private.

The TeamSpeak server is hosted elsewhere by a professional service (we have 80+ people during intl events and no problems).

If you want to join us here is a link to our TS -> vs15.tserverhq.com:6247 no password

We have a BDR repository for our addons and mods both on PWS and Arma3Sync. You will find instructions on how to download our repo in our Arma3 STARTER GUIDE (see link in the website)


Recruitments are open.

We are looking for mature, dedicated players that share with us our enthusiasm and committment, and our willingness. We're not looking for any particular skill, what we value is the person.

So, if you want your stats to reflect your awesomeness at the end of the mission... you're not for us.

If you love getting results when you heavily commit, then you're right for us!

If you want to feel part of a team, learning how a FireTeam covers, protects, assaults, then you're right for us!

If you recruit with us, you will be followed by our Instructors that will give you some training sessions. Also, we have several GUIDES for beginners and advanced specialisations.

But you can always come and play with us as a guest without any special committment. If you like our way of playing, you are welcome then to recruit with us.


Interested in challenging us?

There is a section on the public forum just for that, you're welcome!


Website: http://www.bdrclan.com

TS3: vs15.tserverhq.com:6247 no password

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/itabdr

Representative Steam Contact: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bdr_nemesi

Edited by {BDR}*Nemesi*

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