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Putting fish into a boat

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I am trying to AttachTo fish to the inside of the boat. Because there is no fish in Animals in editor, I can't figure it out. Was thinking maybe attaching a rabbit, but replacing the rabbit class with tuna. But I can't figure out how to replace one animal with another in init field. Please help. Or if you have other suggestions, please share that as well. Thank you guys.

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I really don't think this is important unless youre making a fishing mission...

anyway give me ~5 minutes if I remember I'll post the code you need, ok?

---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 17:46 ----------

Put down an invisible helipad (empty > objects (signs) > helipad (invisible) )

then put this code in the init:

fish = "Salema_F" createVehicle position this; deleteVehicle this; wokka setDir 270;

after that, you can adjust the height (if that doesnt work then try attachTo)

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Thanks for your answer. Is there a way to also give this fish a name in the script?

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Thanks for your answer. Is there a way to also give this fish a name in the script?

What do you mean by name?

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I figured the name. I need all this to attach fish to a boat, simulating fishing for Altis life. I just give a name to an object that I am turning to a fish via createVehicle command. Then I use NAME attachTo command to put the fish in the boat. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to attach multiple fish to the boat. I get another object and name it FISH2. Then with a trigger do :

FISH2 attachTo [ship,[0.5,1.2,-1]];

But for some reason it works for the first fish, but doesn't for the other four tunas that I am trying to put in the boat. Can anyone help?

I wanted to attach an image with a fish in the boat, but can't figure out how on this forum. No way to attach an image from my computer here? Has to be URL?

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You could just do a for loop structure in a script:

//name this script addFishBoat.sqf
//and place the following in the boat's init field: null = [#, this] execVM "addFishBoat.sqf"
//obviously # being the number of fish you would want

_numFish = (_this select 0);
_ship = (_this select 1);

for "_i" from 0 to (_numFish) step 1 do {

_fish = "Salema_F" createVehicle position _ship;
_fish attachTo [_ship,[0.5,1.2,-1]];
_fish setDir (random 359);


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