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fbx import untriangulates model and screws up UV

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im importing my model in to o2 as an fbx, and when i import, o2 removes a lot of the edges, some of which are UV seams so it completely screws up my UV.

any idea how to turn off the de-triangulation? or fix this some other way

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alright i managed to get multiple UV's by importing as .3ds and copying the UVs over.

BUT now my macro texture is warped on it. The UV is totally fine in the O2 UV editor, and the texturegrid renders on it fine in O2 dx viewport mode, but in bulldozer with my macro texture its like all wobbly and adjusting the UV in the o2 UV editor has arbitrary effects on it. (moving a face just a tiny bit on the UV might make the macro texture stretch all crazy)

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hey there.

In general, it is advisable to put some more information in: what software do you use to create the meshes and export them as .fbx especially since the export options are different across the board.

regarding post 1 - fbx de-trinagulates: it is based on the exported options. You can triangulate, keep quads, quadrify (not all exporters have it), and keep mesh as it is.

regarding post 2 - make sure the entire thing is UVW Unwrapped first. You'll end up having issues if it isn't. Also, make sure all the UV islands are between 0 and 1 in the UV space. A proper export will not create issues between your modelling software and O2/OB. I have no idea what you mean by "macro texture"

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Im using the fbx 2010 exporter for 3ds max 2014. Ive also tried the 2014 fbx exporter but i had trouble with that earlier with other things so ive stuck with 2010 since then.

I have triangulate ticked in the export options, and ive checked the FBX in a variety of programs and it is triangulated everywhere except O2, which leads me to beleive that O2 runs some sort of quadify algorithm when importing fbx files. The .3ds importer has the option to turn quadify off (its on by default for who knows what reason) but the fbx importer does not have this function.

A macro texture is the 3rd stage map for the super shader. Basically what it does is overlays another texture on to the diffuse using the alpha layer. Its mostly used for either prebaked lightmaps (or AO) or in my case im using it to overlay small text and logos on to my diffuse which would be unreadable if i just put them in the diffuse texture.

Also from the tests ive done in bulldozer/O2 ive noticed that the UV area where i get the least errors (usually) is actually -0.5 to 0.5, although the glitches seem quite arbitrary as sometimes if i move the UV element 3 tiles to the left it might come out looking less warped than it does within 0-1 UV space. Generally the results are more reliable the closer the UV verts are to 0,0

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See if you can update your FBX exporter. I have got meshes from both max 2012 and max 2015 to OB with the exact same topology as in max. If anything, OB should prefer anything triangulated (since, afaik, DX only uses triangles only - even when quads). Again, i have not experienced these symphoms.

Right, thank for the macro texture explanation, i wasn't aware of it being able to overlay over diffuse. Now, what is the size of the said texture, and what was the method you used to create it (automation based on suffix i assume)

I know of some guy who had a similar issue with your UV distortion on some firetruck, but irc, it was either a corrupt rvmat or a unproperly converted texture. I don't remember it by heart and i can't find that particular thread.

Can you post a picture of your entire UV editor in max versus one in OB? How many UV sets do you use? 1, or do you have information in a second one as well?

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Im using 2 UV sets. the first UV set is fine, but the second one is not. The .paa was converted properly since it works fine when using the 1st UV set and ive checked it in texture viewer where it looks fine. Im also pretty sure its not the rvmat thats causing this because everything points to the 2nd UV channel.

The fbx exporter isnt really an issue anymore since i worked around it by using .3ds format.

here's the texture sheet: Its 1024x1024, all the other textures are 4096x4096. This is the only texture that uses the 2nd UV


here's what the texture looks like on the 2nd UV (what its supposed to look like)


here's the 2nd UV in 3ds max


here's the UV in OB (I've moved some UV elements 1 or 2 tiles in a direction because it warped less when i did that)


here's a shot from buldozer where you can see the distortion im talking about


another shot showing more extreme warping:


Edited by Olli_

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Besides the fact that you shoul keep everything between the 0~1 on both u and v, you are either offsetting or rotatting smth.

Does your rvmat looks like this:

class Stage3




class uvTransform








(You can even get rid of the uv transforms altogether, but worth a check)


Other than that, i have no more ideas

Edited by PuFu

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rvmat is like this:

class Stage3




class uvTransform








all the stages have the same uvTransform and the other stages work fine so i cant see this being a problem.

I got much worse results when i kept all the uv's between 0-1.. it really doesnt make any sense

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In practice, you shouldn't need to have UV islands or verts outside the main square/tile (UV: 0~1; 0~1). In my many years of using 3d software, i only use the outside of 0-1 space when i'm working on it, or when i use max as a production tool and i do NOT normalize my UVs, then exporting the data from UV channel to the mesh channel and then forward to CAD and/or CNC software(usually as .plt file format). If i am not mistaken, there are some RPT errors being thrown when there is data outside the 0-1 area anyways.

There should be NO deformation on export/ import. Period. It isn't a matter of adjusting the UVs around in OB until you have no distortion, but rather find the culprit.

While OB is indeed a little buggy piece of software, tracing the problem might involve rewinding some of your steps. So if i were you i'd start from 0 and reimport in OB the mesh and textures a second time, see if it is an import issue or something else. I searched again for the thread i was talking about, but i am unable to find it. The issue the lad had was the same, irc he figured what was causing it. (and if IRC it wasn't the textures).



Edited by PuFu

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