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Need help on who detects enemy and who is enemy

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Need some help here..

Came up with this last night but can't get it to work...

In theory I would like to enter 4 inputs

1. West side group.

2. East side soldier

3. East sides backup 1

4. East sides backup 2

Would check to c if East side soldier has seen enemy and when he does see the enemy to assign backup 1 and 2 to him and order them to target the enemy.

Here is the script

;_Wgrp is West group

;_Esold is East soldier

;_BkupA is Backup soldier A

;_BkupB is Backup soldier B

_Wgrp = _this select 0

_Esold = _this select 1

_BkupA = _this select 2

_BkupB = _this select 3

;Count Units

_WgrpVektor = Units _Wgrp

_numWgrp = count _WgrpVektor

_i = 0

;See if _Esold knowsabout units in West group

;and go to selector if so. and if not wait 5 sec

;and Redo


_WVek = _WgrpVektor select _i

?(_Esold knowsAbout _WVek) > 2 : goto "Selector"


_i = _i + 1

?(_i < _numWgrp) : goto "Update"


_i = 0

goto "Update"

;BkupA and BkupB join _Esold

;_Esold gives commandTarget to target seen


_BkupA join _Esold

_BkupB join _Esold

_Esold commandTarget _WgrpVektor select _i


I put it in the initialization field of unit "e1"

and place a member of west sides unit "w1" in front of him

and he just keeps going throught the loop...

Do I have the sytax wrong in this line or what

[/b]?(_Esold knowsAbout _WVek) > 2 : goto "Selector"

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I tried it an had no problems, though the join command was wrong.

I used this script:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;_Wgrp is West group

;_Esold is East soldier

;_BkupA is Backup soldier A

;_BkupB is Backup soldier B

_Wgrp = thegroup

_Esold = e1

_BkupA = b1

_BkupB = b2

;Count Units

_WgrpVektor = Units _Wgrp

_numWgrp = count _WgrpVektor

_i = 0

;See if _Esold knowsabout units in West group

;and go to selector if so. and if not wait 5 sec

;and Redo


_WVek = _WgrpVektor select _i

_bob = _Esold knowsAbout _WVek

hint format ["e1 knows about %1 %2", _WVek, _bob]

?(_Esold knowsAbout _WVek) > 1 : goto "Selector"


_i = _i + 1

?(_i < _numWgrp) : goto "Update"


_i = 0

goto "Update"

;BkupA and BkupB join _Esold

;_Esold gives commandTarget to target seen


hint "ghg"

[_BkupA] join _Esold

[_BkupB] join _Esold

_Esold commandTarget _WVek

exit<span id='postcolor'>

Note, I modified the names at the top.


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Ahhh... hint thingy there.. I had my units set wrong... it was sending back (null) for west side...

Can't thank u enuff..

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Here's a question:

What if I wanted the script to detect any West units, not just a single group? For example if I have 20 groups on the West side, and I want a single East unit to target whatever group approaches, is there a fast way of using "KnowsAbout" ?

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Name at least one unit in each group (for example leaders of these groups) and exec this script.

[unit,[leader1,leader2,...]] exec "script.sqs"

where unit is detecting soldier

and leaderx are leaders of enemy groups.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;[unit,[leader1,leader2,...]] exec "script.sqs"

; _Es searching soldier

; _Wg array of enemy group leaders

_Es=_this select 0

_Wg=_this select 1

_i=count _Wg





_groups=_groups+[group (_Wg select _i)]

?_i>0:goto "loop"


_i=count _groups



;_Wg array of units in selected group

_Wg=units (_groups select _i)

_ii=count _Wg



?(_Es knowsAbout (_Wg select _ii))>2 :goto "detected"

?_ii>0:goto "units"

?_i>0:goto "groups"


goto "check"


;add some actions here

exit<span id='postcolor'>

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