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[Tutorial] Arma 3 RC Branch Install and Connecting to Testing Servers

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Figured I'd put out a quick video and text tutorial for how to install the RC candidates since it strays a bit from the Dev Branch switching outlined in Dwarden's Sticky:


For anyone not familiar with the process, dwarden blasts out details for a Release Candidate build and test server details.

He does this on the skype channels

and on his Twitter

In order to switch to the RC Branch, follow these steps:

Step 1. Right click on Arma 3 in your steam library

Step 2. Select Properties

Step 3. Go to Betas tab

Step 4. Enter the password provided by Dwarden in the "Enter beta access code to unlock private betas" text entry area

Step 5. Click "Check Code" button

Step 6. Select the relevant RC from the drop down list

Step 7. Wait for update files to DL and patch

Step 8. Launch Arma 3 and select "Play" and then "Multiplayer"

Step 9. In the Multiplayer server browser select "Remote"

Step 10. Enter the IP address provided then enter the port number provided

Step 11. Return to the server browser and you will see the test server double click on it or select it and click "connect"


Full Size:


Current Reddit Thread (updated 07 OCt 2014):


Edited by CiforDayZServer

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