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is there a way to mirror properly?? by properly i mean: create a duplicate of sets of points/faces/structures a given distance away from the originals. i know they have the mirror buttons, but these only flip the selected items around the x or y axis, and you dont have the option of creating duplicates and/or setting them a certain distance away.

i seriously hope there is because i just made a whole set of vertices on one side of the grid, thinking i could just mirror it over when i was done. now i'm not so sure confused.gif

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ok, i found a work-around. make a duplicate, then mirror it. then use "Points/Transform 3D/Move" and select relative to pin. then you can enter the number you need to move em.

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I use the mirror X quite alot, just lock the movement to the x axis and move it to where you want it, then use the vertex details button to check the location. Also, don't forget to "re-everse" the normals (w key) when you mirror as the mirror reverses them.


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