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evans d [16aa]

Executing Multiple "do" Statements in "while" Loop

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Hello all,

The problem's as it sounds.

I have an 8 man AI squad in Kamino on the range and I've setup a small firing range for them to practice at.

I have 8 different scripts (named "kaminoRange1 through 8.sqf") with the following code:

while {!blueNearKamino} do


               _maxTime = 5;
               _minTime = 2;
               _sleepTime = (random (_maxTime - _minTime)) + _minTime;

               _target1 = [kaminoTarget1,kaminoTarget2,kaminoTarget3,kaminoTarget4,kaminoTarget5,kaminoTarget6,kaminoTarget7,kaminoTarget8] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

               sleep _sleepTime;

               kaminoSoldier1 doTarget _target1;

               sleep _sleepTime;

               kaminoLogic action ["useWeapon",kaminoSoldier1,kaminoSoldier1,0];

               sleep 1;


Note: The different scripts have corresponding numbers for their variables (e.g: kaminoSoldier2, _target4, etc)

The problem with this is that, while it works, it looks ugly having essentially the same script called 8 times (nul = execVM "scripts\kaminoRange1.sqf; nul = execVM "scripts\kaminoRange2.sqf; nul = execVM "scripts\kaminoRange3.sqf; etc")

What I'd like to do is condense those 8 scripts into 1.

I've tried using the good old boolean "&&" method:

while {x} do



But that doesn't work. I then tried the following method:

while {x} do


but that doesn't work either.

I then tried to make functions to solve the problem and then referencing them in the loop:

while {x} do
call function1;
call function2;

And while this kind of works, it waits to cycle through each function before getting to the next one (it waits for function 1 to finish, complete with sleeps, before moving to function 2).

Simply making lots of loops:

while {x} do

while {x} do

Only fires code1, and doesn't move onto code2.

Can anyone think of a way to make this code work simultaneously?

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call like this, changing the name of the shooter and his tartgets

null=[kaminoSoldier1,[kaminoTarget1,kaminoTarget2,kaminoTarget3,kaminoTarget4,kaminoTarget5,kaminoTarget6,kaminoTarget7,kaminoTarget8]] execvm "kaminoRange.sqf";

_unit = _this select 0;
_targets = _this select 1;

while {!blueNearKamino and alive _unit} do


               _maxTime = 5;
               _minTime = 2;
               _sleepTime = (random (_maxTime - _minTime)) + _minTime;

               _target1 = _targets call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

               sleep _sleepTime;

               _unit doTarget _target1;

               sleep _sleepTime;

               kaminoLogic action ["useWeapon",_unit,_unit,0];

               sleep 1;


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