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Add a list of magazines to a player

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I have the following problem:

I made a list of all the magazines of a unit using this command:

_magazinesList = magazinesAmmo _unit;

Now I want to add all the magazines from the list back to the unit, after I removed each of them. I tried it like this:

{player addmagazine [(_magazinesList select _x) select 0,(_magazinesList select _x) select 1]}foreach _magazinesList;

But it doesn't work.

I am not a scripting expert, so I hope that someone could answer this hopefully simple question.

Thank you for your help!


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The forEach command will iterate over each item in the array - _x represents the item itself and not its index, so using "_magazinesList select _x" is wrong.

The code should be:

{player addmagazine [_x select 0, _x select 1]}foreach _magazinesList;

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Wow, thank you for your fast response!

It works great now, and I learned something new.

Thanks alot!

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