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FPS drops to around 1-3 after about 1 to 1.5 hours of playing

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I've just encountered this in the past few days and I have no idea why

After about 1.5 hours of playing my FPS will drop to between 1 and 3, and after a while it slows below 1!

All the models and textures go down to extremely low quality.

My CPU is around 40c and my GPU around the same, so it's not that. I did have this problem before because of overheating, but I fixed it by cleaning out my PC. I was able to play for more than 3 hours at a time after that.

I have no idea how to diagnose this or why it happens. This will make it completely pointless to play long sessions. I need a fix ASAP so if someone can work with me to diagnose and fix this then that would be appreciated immensely.

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