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ArmA 3 Tools' AddOn Builder Deletes All Files?

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I'm talking about the one you get from Steam. I felt like I should let binPBO go and switch to the new thing. As the title says, I realized I made a huge mistake, and after this point I will use good old 2005 looking binPBO until it stops working.

I don't think my setting matter, but I'll post them if anyone wonders, and maybe it's something I did wrong. Also I'm thinking it might be Windows 8.1? I switched to it literally days ago, and that's why I decided to install the new ones, but it didin't act any different until I noticed my whole pbo folder was gone, only with something like: "Error=1".

Note: I'm not a big fan of blaming the new ArmA 3 tools or Windows 8.1, but one of them (or both of them combined?) seems to delete an hour of work!

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