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Hello Gents,

I would like to present you my first addon and script.

It simply displays the team roster in the diary (intended to work for briefing purposes).

You can download the whole package here or on armaholic(script version and addon).

Following is a screenshot of how it looks like:



Decompress roster.sqf file in your mission directory.

Insert the following line in your init.sqf:

[1,true,true] execVM "roster.sqf"; //default

You can also change these parameters:

First parameter (required) allows you to chose what kind of unit is displayed. (ie: players only, AI and players, playable AI and players).

First parameter can take following values :

0 -> players only

1 -> AI and players (all units)

2 -> playable AI and players

Second parameter (required) allows you to chose wether or not you want to display unit rank:

true/false -> displays/hides rank

Third parameter (required) allows you to chose wether or not you want to display unit role:

true/false -> displays/hides role

You can also add optional parameters to display whole side as one color.


where SIDE is one of the following EAST, WEST, RESISTANCE or CIVILIAN

and 000000 can be any hexadecimal color

Mission maker can also chose to add optional parameters in editor.

Change group name using :

(group this) setGroupID["My Group Name"];

in the init field of a group member.

Change group color using :

(group this) setVariable["color","'#000000'"];

where 000000 can be any hexadecimal color

in the init field of a group member.

NB : this overwrites ColorSIDE

Change player role using :

this setVariable ["displayName","Custom Role"];

in the init of the unit.

NB : this overwrites role

Script code:

//Author 		: Skippy
//Version 		: 3
//Released		: 12/08/2014
//Description 	: Displays team members (with the possibility to include/exclude IA and the possibility to rename groups) in the diary
//Params 		: 	includeAI (integer) 	0/1/2  		--> only players/both AI and players/playable units only
//					rank (bool) 			true/false 	--> display/hide unit's rank
//					role (bool) 			true/false 	--> display/hide unit's role
//		(optional)	ColorSIDE (string) followed by hexadecimal color (string) --> Dislpay all SIDE groups in this color
//		(optional) Mission Maker can change groups name using : 
//					(group this) setGroupID ["Group Name"];
//					in the group leader init field
//		(optional) Mission Maker can change groups color using :
//					(group this) setVariable ["color",'#000000']; where 000000 can be changed to whatever hexa code
//					in the group leader init field (this will overwrite ColorSIDE param)
//		(optional) Mission Maker can change unit's display name :
//					this setVariable ["displayName","Unit Custom Name"];
//					in the unit's init field (this will overwrite Role param)
//Example1		: [1,true,true] execVM "roster.sqf"; //default setup
//					1 means that every units is displayed
//					first true means that ranks are displayed
//					second true means that roles are displayed
//Example2		  [0,false,true,"ColorWEST","'#0066CC'"] execVM "roster.sqf";
//					0 means only players are displayed 
//					false means that ranks are hidden
//					true means that roles are displayed
//					"ColorWEST","'#0066CC'" means that every western group will be displayed in blue

if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "skippy_roster")) exitWith {};


if(isNil "_this") exitWith {hint "Skippy-Roster Script needs array as parameter"};
if(typeName _this != "ARRAY") exitWith {hint "Skippy-Roster Script needs array as parameter"};

_includeAI 	= 1;//0->only players, 1->both AI and players, 2->playable units only (includes player and some AI)
_rank 		= true;//true->display unit's rank		false->hide unit's rank
_role 		= true;//true->display unit's role		false->hide unit's role

if(count _this > 0) then {
if((typeName (_this select 0)) != "SCALAR") then {
	hint "Skippy-Roster - Param1 isn't scalar";
} else {
	_includeAI = _this select 0;

if(count _this > 1) then {

	if((typeName (_this select 1)) != "BOOL") then {
		hint "Skippy-Roster - Param2 isn't boolean";
	} else {
		_rank = _this select 1;

	if(count _this > 3) then {
		if((typeName (_this select 2)) != "BOOL") then {
			hint "Skippy-Roster - Param3 isn't boolean";
		} else {
			_role = _this select 2;

_strRank 		= "";//will contain unit's rank
_strRole 		= "";//will contain unit's role
_strGrp 		= "";//will contain unit's group name
_strColorGrp 	= "";//will contain unit's group color
_strFinal 		= "";//will contain final string to be displayed
_oldGrp 		= grpNull;//group of last checked unit
_newGrp 		= grpNull;//group of current unit
_unitsArr 		= [];//will contain all units that have to be processed

switch(_includeAI) do {
case 0:{//only players
		if(isPlayer _x) then {
			_unitsArr = _unitsArr + [_x];
	}forEach allUnits;
case 1:{//both AI and players
	_unitsArr = allUnits;
case 2:{//only playable units
	if(isMultiplayer) then {
		_unitsArr = playableUnits;
	} else {
		_unitsArr = switchableUnits;
	_unitsArr = allUnits;

if(side _x == side player) then {
	_newGrp = group _x;
	_strGrp = "";

	if(_rank) then {
		switch(rankID _x) do {
			case 0:{
				_strRank = "Pvt. ";
			case 1:{
				_strRank = "Cpl. ";
			case 2:{
				_strRank = "Sgt. ";
			case 3:{
				_strRank = "Lt. ";
			case 4:{
				_strRank = "Cpt. ";
			case 5:{
				_strRank = "Maj. ";
			case 6:{
				_strRank = "Col. ";
				_strRank = "Pvt. ";

	if(_role) then {
		_strRole = " - " + getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf(_x) >> "displayName");

	if((_x getVariable "displayName") != "") then {
		_strRole = " - " +(_x getVariable "displayName");

	if(_newGrp != _oldGrp) then {
		_strGrp = "<br/>" + (groupID(group _x)) + "<br/>";

		if((_this find ("Color"+str(side _x)))>-1) then {
			if(count _this > ((_this find ("Color"+str(side _x))) + 1)) then {
				_strColorGrp = _this select ((_this find ("Color"+str(side _x))) + 1);
			} else {
				hint "Skippy-Roster - Missing Param";
				_strColorGrp = "";
		} else {
			switch (side _x) do {
				case EAST:{
					_strColorGrp = "'#990000'";
				case WEST:{
					_strColorGrp = "'#0066CC'";
				case RESISTANCE:{
					_strColorGrp = "'#339900'";
				case CIVILIAN:{
					_strColorGrp = "'#990099'";

		if(((group _x) getVariable "color") != "") then {
			_strColorGrp = (group _x) getVariable "color";

	_strFinal =  _strFinal + "<font color="+_strColorGrp+">"+_strGrp+"</font>" + _strRank + name _x + _strRole + "<br/>";

	_oldGrp = group _x;
}forEach _unitsArr;

player createDiarySubject ["roster","Team Roster"];
player createDiaryRecord ["roster",["Roster",_strFinal]];

I might also release a server side version of the addon.

I would appreciate feedbacks and suggestions.

Edited by CPC-Skippy

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Nice. Shame there isn't a way to update diary records

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I know this hasn't been worked on in a while but has anyone attempted to use this to make it work right?


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