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Making a Attack Heli guide, am I missing anything?

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Update : Please see this thread for the WIP guide - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?182663-WIP-Airschool-102-Attack-Helicopters#post2765368

Hey there, I'm in the midst of making a attack heli guide. I'll be teaching from the standpoint of a new player, who is familiar with utility choppers, so I will only be discussing patterns, flight paths, and tactics pertaining specifically to helicopters for use against AI and Players, as well as key differences.

I plan on making both a written and video guide, this is the table of contents I've devised.

Airschool 102

Making use of your bird


- Brevity Code, it’s use and how you can use it in arma.

- Responsibilites between the gunner and the pilot

o Pilot

 Flying

 Flight Plan

 Spotting if needed

 Situational Awareness

 Radar Bird Dog

 Coordinating with gunner for movement

 Communicating with Command

o Gunner

 Aiming

 Prioritizing Targets

 Spotting

 Coordinating with pilot for best shots

 Communicating with Squad Actuals to line up shots

- NOE and you

- Using the Terrain

- When you should fly high and when you should fly low

- Planning the Mission

o Study the intel and targets

o Study the map and set up reference points

o Set up Ingress and Initial Point

o A note about Fuel

o High threat vs Low Threat

o Attacking more than once

o Set up Egress

- Ten Rules to Live By

o Avoid Target Area Overflight

o Stay as far away as possible

o Avoid flying in the Dead Man’s zone

o Make a high reconnaissance when possible

o Always assume that the area is hot

o Always Identify targets

o Conserve your ammo

o Know the intel and utilize it

o Attack the enemy flank whenever possible.

o Stay calm, take your time

How to use your ATKH and Ordiance

- AH-9 Pawnee

o M134 Minigun


- PO-30 Orca

o Gatling 6.5 mm


WY-55 Hellcat

o M123 Minigun


- AH-99 Blackfoot

o Gatling Cannon 20mm



- Mi-48 Kajman

o Cannon Caseless 30mm

o Skalpel ATGM

 Wireguide or Lock on

o Skyfire

 Dummy

Ground Attacks

- Vs Light Armor

- Vs Heavy Armor

- Vs infantry

o Suppression

- Vs Static

- Strategies AI vs PVP

- Flying Patterns

- What NEVER to do.

Air to Air

- Vs Gunships

o Stay Low

o Fire at max range

o Fire First

o Lose Sight, Lose fight

o Mission First

- Vs Jets

- You can't fight the damn things, but you can learn how to dodge em.

AA and you

- Countermeasures

- Avoidance

o Pop up attacks

o NOE is your best friend

o Break into the missile, not away

Edited by KingScuba

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