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script for vehicle reserved by Guid

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I m using this script found on the forum to reserve some slots by GUID.


waitUntil {!isNull player};
waitUntil {(vehicle player) == player};
waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""};

reserved_units = [unit1,unit2];
reserved_uids = ["UID1","UID2","UID3"];

_uid = getPlayerUId player;

if ((player in reserved_units)&& !(_uid in reserved_uids)) then {
player groupChat "You are in a reserved slot, kicking to lobby in 20 seconds";
sleep 20;
failMission "end1";

and i would like to add 2 or 3 vehicles in the list but after some try, i failed ! :( (i m not a scripter !! :rolleyes: )

What i want to do is :

reserve usage of vehicle named "veh1" to the players in the "reserved_uids" list.

I don't want to lock the vehicle, but only driver seat.

It is for dedicated server.

If there is a way to mix the script with "reservedslot.sqf" it will be be nice.

Thanks by advance.


(PS : i couldn't give answer before few days)

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I think you can use the addEventHandler "GetIn" method and check if its the correct player and if not - pull him out of the vehicle.

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