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problems with watch this and that commands (scan the horizon)

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i've got some questions.


i'm a tankdriver and drive around with my ai buddys. i command my gunner to scan the

horizon (action menu 3 then 7)

the barrel starts infinite constantly turning around.

if i command the gunner watch north (action menu 3 then 8 then 1)

the barrel is fixed in that direction and never watch something else.


is it possible to bring back the default overwatch setting?

we need definitive more "watch that direction" commandes for all vehilces, fastmovers, helis etc, like:

1. watch to front (barrel to the front and moving 60° right and 60° left), must be the default setting!

2. watch to the right (barrel on the right side and moving 60° right from the mid-right an 60° left from the mid-right)

3. watch to the left (same as in 1 and 2)

4. watch to the rear (same as in 1, 2, and 3)

5. back to default (maybe like 1 or another idea)

what do you think?

maybe someone can help!


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