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extDB-Rcon (Command-line rcon app)

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Yeah i am not great at coming up with names + can't be bothered lol

Anyway extDB-rcon, started as a test program for testing out some rcon code for my extension extDB.

Its now a useful program in its own right, for sending rcon messages etc to a server.

You could also use it to lock server before restarts etc....

 --help                Print help messages
 --ip arg              IP Address for Server
 --port arg            Port for Server
 --password arg        Rcon Password for Server
 --file arg            File to run i.e rcon restart warnings

The file is just a text file, each line is a rcon command.

If line is empty (has to be empty line), a 1 second delay is added (this is just roughly +1 sec may vary).

For example

extDB-rcon --ip= --port=2302 --password=testing --file=server_restart_warnings.txt


SAY -1 Server Restart in 10 mins

SAY -1 Server Restart in 10 mins

SAY -1 Server Restart in 10 mins

All the commands are just raw BE Commands...


Atm the build is available only @ https://github.com/Torndeco/extDB/tree/dev

Note: its the dev branch atm...

To build u will need to compile & make & make install the Poco Library

mkdir temp
cd temp
cmake -i /path/to/extdb/build/extDB
Select Test Rcon App = TRUE

I will fix up the CMakeBuild files later today/tomorrow, so it won't ask for entire requirements for extDB i.e Mysql ODBC etc

Also will move it to own github page


Prithu "bladez" Parker for https://github.com/bladez-/bercon

This program is basically heavily based off bercon

edit: Windows builds (its purely for testing purposes @ https://github.com/Torndeco/extdb/blob/stable/windows_release/15/extDB-rcon.exe)

BEC + EPM Rcon Tool, got rcon covered for windows users.

Edited by Torndeco

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Is this still somewhere? The repo is dead.


Iam searching for a cli rcon-tool.

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