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Arma 2 OA multiplayer and single player freezing

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Well, recently i've built a new PC, it has 8GB ram, i5 3570k quad core processor, and a GTX 660 GPU.

A big majority of the time playing Arma 2 OA, using fraps to watch FPS. It will be up around the 60 range and drop wayyy down below 10 and freeze. It happens maybe every 5 seconds for around 1 second each time. Regardless if I have the settings all the way down or not. It is the same way in single player campaign, unless i'm in the Armory section trying out weapons and such. I have looked on many other forums and have done what they do to increase performance and such, but obviously it hasn't worked any. All my software temps range at about 60C on full load, which I don't believe to be all that hot. I have reinstalled the game on two different HDDs with the same out come as well.

Any answers will be appreciated, thank you!

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Any mods?

Any Scripts? (For example UNA targets script is causing haevy lag in my experience)

Downloaded Comunity made missions? They can have poorly written scripts in them wich can slow your game down by spamming the RPT file with error reports.

Also try to run Arma2FPS counter instead of fraps to rule out fraps as cause of the problem.

You can try Sweet FX, Some people are claiming that it helped them. I myself have slight not 100% sure feel that since iam using it, my game goes smoother.

Also you can try advices in this thread.

Or do you by chance run other programs on your computer while playing? I have a friend who was complaining that his arma 2 is lagging a lot on his superduper Windows 8 brand new computer, so i connected to him via team viever to see for myself, and he had SKYPE, Fraps, Teamseak, Web browser with like a milion tabs open, and VLC media player running, and he was downloading 4GB file from the internet while playing arma. I closed everithing except Teamspeak and teamviever, restarted the game, and his game was smooth and nice sudenly.

Edited by Mirek

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No worries on your English. I got everything you said.

Anyways, I do got mods, yes. @DayZ Epoch, @DayZ Namalsk, DayZ Namalsk @Dayz @DayZEpochPantheraEpoch @DayZEpochPanthera_Panthera @DayZero @DayZeroChernarus @DayzOrigins @DayZOverwatch @DayZPanthera.

As for missions, I just got domination.Takistan, DisturbedgamersWasteland.chernarus and domination2_0_6.Takistan which are servers I joined through Arma 2 OA.

I will look into those three things you suggested as well. Thanks!

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