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Two questions

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Hi everyone. Two questions for you. Is there a mod that exists that takes Arma 3 and uses present day weapons in the official campaign? I'm not a fan of these futuristic weapons. Another one is does a SP campaign exist that was similar to ofp resistance campaign where you have to gather weapons to build your arsenal up throughout the campaign? Thanks!

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Hi everyone. Two questions for you. Is there a mod that exists that takes Arma 3 and uses present day weapons in the official campaign? I'm not a fan of these futuristic weapons. Another one is does a SP campaign exist that was similar to ofp resistance campaign where you have to gather weapons to build your arsenal up throughout the campaign? Thanks!

1. No idea, maybe I've never looked into it. (Long since got bored of M4s).

2. First and second parts of the campaign (more so the second) do have that mechanic, in the second part of the campaign there are various side missions like searching for equipment on dead bodies from an ambush. Whatever you bring back is saved making your life easier later on, i.e. bring back a rocket launcher and ammo you'll have that available for later missions.

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Thanks Jona! The missions aren't bad nor the weapons, I just have never been into futuristic stuff. I miss the Russians and the ak 74! I know I can download weapons and unit mods, but no use to me since I don't really know how to create missions

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Well, if you really look at it, MX just stands for Modular Experiemental weapon, based off of the Bushmaster ACR. The Katiba is the Kheybar 2002 with 6.5mm round instead of the 5.56mm. Then you have the F2000 (mk20 in game) and the TAR 20 (TRG series). The GM6 is one of the weapons with it's real-life name in game, and the .408 sniper (which name escapes me) is the intervention (or very heavily based on it). The vehicles exist as well, with the exception of the mi-48 (which is a mixture of 3 different russian helo's) and the T-100, which seems to me as a beefed up T-90. I get not liking the future stuff, so this guy went and made the CSAT Modification project. Take a look at it. If you want less bugheaded enemies, it has a replacement config just for that which should work with the campaign.

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Thanks Jona! The missions aren't bad nor the weapons, I just have never been into futuristic stuff. I miss the Russians and the ak 74! I know I can download weapons and unit mods, but no use to me since I don't really know how to create missions

Fair enough, there is a CSAT replacement pack out there which means that you have a much more regular looking opposition. (Since you're not a fan of the MX I assume you aren't going to love bug helmets and special body armour uniforms).

EDIT: Crap, didn't read the whole post above mine.

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I had no idea. Thanks guys! I guess I just miss the AK 74 and M 16. Suppose I could just fire up Cold War Crisis and get my fill.

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Yea I believe it. I'll have to look for some missions that use those weapons mods as I am no good using the mission editor.

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