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Hello community members

I'm after a teacher/modded in the mission making, scripting world.

I learn fast and I'm very interested in trying to make some missions.

Unfortunately I have no clue how to if someone could help me or explain how to create missions

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I could show you the basics of building a mission for sp, mp, coop, how to save them, export them, what editors you can use, ect,.

how to implement scripts in a mission, respawn, ect,. and how to build missions using addons.

There are some things Idk how to do as i have never had any use for them, other things I know about but never learned how, but i've been editing since 2001 since the first game in the series.

The way we would do it is use ventrilo so we can talk as i have a ventrilo server, walk you through the editor as we go, and hook up with you on steam.

Would that be something your interested in?

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I would appreciate that unfortunately I'm away at this moment but I will message you on my return

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