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Vehicle Respawn Module Help

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I have no scripting ability or worst....little understanding of scripting. I don't want to make time to script because I'm afraid I will overwhelm myself in doing so (time consuming etc.), so I'd rather not pursue scripting for now and I hope you respect that. I would like to ask for help though, I am referring to a number of vehicle respawn threads methods that I've tried to implement myself. Okay so I have a Vehicle Respawn Module in the editor placed and I synced 4 vehicles and in the init's I have

               this setObjectTexture [0,"hmmwv_body_canvas_1_co.paa"];   
               this setObjectTexture [1,"hmmwv_hood_canvas_co.paa"];  
               this setObjectTexture [2,"hmmwv_regular_1_co.paa"]; 
               this setObjectTexture [3,"hmmwv_canvas_1_co.paa"];

that's in just one vehicles init and I have this in my my mission folder init SQF under a bunch of other stuff before that for other game functions for instance "nofatigue.sqf, etc.." And in the init I have

Fnc_Set_Textures =
           if (_this iskindof "DAR_M1167") then {
               _this setObjectTexture [0,"hmmwv_body_canvas_1_co.paa"];   
               _this setObjectTexture [1,"hmmwv_hood_canvas_co.paa"];  
               _this setObjectTexture [2,"hmmwv_regular_1_co.paa"]; 
               _this setObjectTexture [3,"hmmwv_canvas_1_co.paa"];
           if (_this iskindof "DAR_M115_MK19") then {
               _this setObjectTexture [0,"hmmwv_body_canvas_1_co.paa"];  
               _this setObjectTexture [1,"hmmwv_hood_canvas_co.paa"]; 
               _this setObjectTexture [2,"hmmwv_regular_1_co.paa"];  
               _this setObjectTexture [3,"hmmwv_canvas_1_co.paa"]; 
               _this setObjectTexture [4,"hmmwv_gpk_tower_co.paa"];    
           if (_this iskindof "DAR_M1151") then {
               _this setObjectTexture [0,"hmmwv_body_canvas_1_co.paa"];   
               _this setObjectTexture [1,"hmmwv_hood_canvas_co.paa"];   
               _this setObjectTexture [2,"hmmwv_regular_1_co.paa"]; 
               _this setObjectTexture [3,"hmmwv_canvas_1_co.paa"];  
               _this setObjectTexture [4,"hmmwv_gpk_tower_co.paa"];
           if (_this iskindof "DAR_M1165_GMV") then {
               _this setObjectTexture [0,"hmmwv_body_canvas_1_co.paa"];      
               _this setObjectTexture [1,"hmmwv_hood_canvas_co.paa"];     
               _this setObjectTexture [2,"hmmwv_regular_1_co.paa"]; 
               _this setObjectTexture [3,"hmmwv_canvas_1_co.paa"];    
               _this setObjectTexture [4,"hmmwv_gpk_tower_co.paa"];

In the Expression of the Vehicle Respawn Module I have

(_this select 0) spawn Fnc_Set_Textures;  

What am I doing wrong?


If this does not work can someone please help compile a vehicle script with the vehicles inits intact? That's all I need is my humvees to respawn with my retextures that I made in paa files, files that are in my mission folder. I've tried so many different things the last couple days, I jst want this done so I can move on you know? lol

Edited by Hawaii_Based

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No replies eh? It's okay, as persistent as I am (even thru Hurricane Iselle) I managed to find a workaround using a script by Iceman77 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168216-Light-Vehicle-Respawn-Script I implemented his script to help me respawn my vehicles with my own textures that I had in my mission folder. Here's instructions if anyone wants to try this, first place a vehicle (in my case it was an LAV) go into the vehicles init and put the setobjectTexture command in there for example:

this setObjectTexture [0,"lavbody_co.paa"];   this setObjectTexture [1,"lavbody2_bunny_cust_co.paa"]; _nul = [this, 1, 1, {[_this] call TAG_FNC_LAV25A2Init}] execVM "vehRespawn.sqf"; 

_nul = [this, 1, 1, {[_this] call TAG_FNC_LAV25A2Init}] execVM "vehRespawn.sqf"; calls the command for that specific vehicles init function. When or if you download Iceman77's demo mission he will have a "vehInitFunctions" SQF that will look like this (you can obviously see where I edited/implemented my own function for my vehicle init

TAG_FNC_TankInit = {

// -- Example code. You can work with the vehicle anyway you like here!! -- //
_veh = _this select 0;
_veh disableTIEquipment true;


TAG_FNC_HunterInit = {

// -- Example code. You can work with the vehicle anyway you like here!! -- //
_veh = _this select 0;
_veh setFuel 0.5;


TAG_FNC_HunterHMGInit = {

_veh = _this select 0;
_veh setVehicleAmmo 0.1;


TAG_FNC_HunterGMGInit = {

_veh = _this select 0;
_veh setVehicleAmmo 0.2;


TAG_FNC_slammerInit = {

_veh = _this select 0;
_veh setVehicleAmmo 0.6;


TAG_FNC_marshallInit = {

_veh = _this select 0;
_veh setVehicleAmmo 0.8;


TAG_FNC_LAV25A2Init = {

_veh = _this select 0;
_veh setObjectTexture [0,"lavbody_co.paa"]; 
_veh setObjectTexture [1,"lavbody2_bunny_cust_co.paa"]


Your going to have to add

[] call compile preProcessFile "vehInitFunctions.sqf";

into your "init.SQF". I had to add this among other SQF stuff. At first it didn't work until I added it before other SQF commands. Alot of testing went into this, and in the end it was that fucking simple. I don't even know how to script, I just figure shit out that's what this Hawaiian does. Hopefully I haven't left anything out, If you have questions I'll be glad to help.

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Forgot to mention if you want this to show up in a LAN/online game ,you'll instead have to use "setObjectTextureGlobal" instead of "setObjectTexture".

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