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FBX2RTM tool [trouble converting FBX from Mobu 2012]

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Hi all,

I'm creating this topic, because I'm facing a trouble to convert a .FBX animation file created with Mobu 2012 into a .rtm with fbx2rtm Gui from BIS tools.

I did some test to convert the bank file (file provided by BIS available into the FBx2RTM folder) with the tool and it is working correctly, but if I save it with a different name with Motion builder 2012 with absolutely no modification except the ones given in the BIS manual (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/FBX_to_RTM) the file is not convertible any more by the BIS tool (fbx2rtm), and there is only a message saying "export error".

I've checked the log given by the tool but it is only saying that the fbx file is not readable. It let me think about a compatible issue with recent Mobu versions and fbx2rtm.

Is someone manage to use this tool already or know a tip to get it to working with more recent version of Motion builder 2009?

I'm staying available to give more details about this issue if necessary, because animations with motion builder seems to be really the easiest solution with BIS given examples to make really cool results.

EDIT : I tried to export my file from 3DS as a FBX but symptoms are the same...

Thanks to all for your help,


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Solution is : import fbx files directly in object builder via import -> fbx

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