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Cutscene won't end

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OK, so I got this problem that my cutscenes (both Intro and Outro) won't end. This is my Intro script (don't mind the comments, they're on Croatian :P)

titlecut ["19:30, Ruska linija","BLACK IN",3]
_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

;comment "19:34:36" scena 1 zastava;
;comment "18:42:07";
_camera camPrepareTarget [3218.77,-95795.63,425.78];
_camera camPreparePos [458.96,4165.73,5.44];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.213;
_camera camCommitPrepared 0
@camCommitted _camera 

;comment "19:35:16" scena 1 bunker;
_camera camPrepareTarget [-17521.08,-94204.29,69.80];
_camera camPreparePos [461.09,4164.37,0.84];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.680;
_camera camCommitPrepared 0
@camCommitted _camera 

;comment "19:44:17" scena 2 ograda lijevo;
_camera camPrepareTarget [-81319.57,-53426.98,56.01];
_camera camPreparePos [440.56,4152.62,0.66];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.193;
_camera camCommitPrepared 0
@camCommitted _camera 

;comment "19:44:41" scena 2 ograda desno, vojnici;
_camera camPrepareTarget [-81319.57,-53426.98,56.01];
_camera camPreparePos [441.36,4151.41,0.72];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.193;
_camera camCommitPrepared 6
@camCommitted _camera 

;comment "19:54:00" scena 3 pogled iz sume na vojnike;
_camera camPrepareTarget [37901.52,-88046.99,-8080.78];
_camera camPreparePos [402.59,4294.41,6.23];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.043;
_camera camCommitPrepared 0
@camCommitted _camera 

;comment "19:55:34" scena 3 pogled iz sume na vojnike okret desno;
_camera camPrepareTarget [33392.11,-89751.85,-8034.39];
_camera camPreparePos [402.59,4294.41,6.23];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.043;
_camera camCommitPrepared 2
@camCommitted _camera 

;comment "19:56:27" scena 3 okret u sumu;
_camera camPrepareTarget [-79240.94,64761.15,-993.81];
_camera camPreparePos [402.74,4294.50,6.22];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.472;
_camera camCommitPrepared 2
@camCommitted _camera 

;comment "19:57:13" scena 3 pogled na warlorda;
_camera camPrepareTarget [-69913.02,75430.32,-973.80];
_camera camPreparePos [336.71,4354.95,1.28];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.360;
_camera camCommitPrepared 5
@camCommitted _camera 

;comment "19:58:06" scena 3 okret i pogled na njegove vojnike;
_camera camPrepareTarget [5290.42,104232.86,-139.01];
_camera camPreparePos [335.76,4355.66,1.59];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.500;
_camera camCommitPrepared 3
@camCommitted _camera 
3 FadeMusic 0

titlecut [" ","BLACK out",3]
_camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]
camDestroy _camera;
titlecut [" ", "BLACK IN", 1]

So, the "camera" is the _camera, all lines in place - what am I missing? :( Only second post on this topic I managed to find is this one: forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?34676-Cutscene-won't-end, but

1. it's from 2004.

2. it's completely unreadable

And he also has "Black Out" problem, and my script won't end even when I remove all black ins and black outs entirely (and that wouldn't be an option anyway)...

What happens is, when cutscene "ends" and "_camera" is "terminated", I always end up being a civilian (who has [this exec "intro.sqs"] in his init) on the other side of the map. It looks like I'm playing in third person, but can't affect moving his head since I have no controls over him. And he just stands there (naturally). h:mad: Any help would appreciated. :help: Any and all.

EDIT: OK, I found another post on this topic, but still - unreadable and "Fade Out" problem...

Edited by Seljumnik
Some minor changes

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why not launch this script via init.sqf and attach it to the player?

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