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Port LDL's c130 script (used in Lions of Kandahar) from ArmA2 to ArmA3

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Upfront Disclaimer: I've searched Google, BI Forums in various channels, and used the "Check If Already Posted" feature to attempt avoiding duplication of another thread. No joy - so I'm posting here.

I'm looking for a cool c130 gunship script to test as I learn that allows for using the gunship guns, etc, etc. The script made by LurchiDerLurch aka "LDL" (see here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10136) is by far the most polished-looking setup available.

I took a stab at trying to bring it into Arma3 this morning, and everything seemed to work fine in terms of placing the files and various code into the mission, description, and init SQFs.

When I preview, the commands show up in my scroll wheel menu, and when I select to start the ac130, the script starts. But then, that's where the breaking starts to happen.

Basically, after a fade out, initializing the sounds (very cool sounds, btw), a series of errors occurs, finally leading to a message "continue script?" and bringing me back to my 1st Person View. If I click continue, the screen "blinks", but no other change.

So - I could really use some help if anyone is interested or knows how to look through and port this. I'm a total beginner with a week under my belt, so this is over my competency.

Appreciate it,


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Well dude no luck with me either! I will try to create an ArmA 3 AC-130 script. The main reason I do this is for a campaign I am working on but if I make it why not share it aswell so when I decide to start working on it and I finish it I'll come back here and post it for people to use.

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