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12Monkeys (working title, Domination meets Warfare)

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Vincentz proudly presents...


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What is it?

FMA or Full Metal Arma is a lot of stuff. It is a gamemode and a mission. It is "Kill the VIP", "Capture the Island", "Warfare", "Hold the Base", "Seek and Destroy", "Air Combat simulator" and general patrolling on the beautiful island of Lingor all at once. For now it is only singleplayer, but for players to be able to respawn, as well as adjust through MP Game Parameters (see picture) it have to be run through Multiplayer.

All in all I'd like to call it "A random battlefield generator", because everything is randomized, which makes it optimal for replayability.

F.ex. the enemy squads amount are randomized, their placement is randomized, the number of soldiers in the squad is randomized, each squads soldiers class is randomized, each soldiers skills are randomized, the squads waypoints are randomized, the squads role is randomized. And that is just for the infantry ;) Add planes, helicopters, spec ops, tanks, static defenses, light vehicles, factories and lots more, and you have Full Metal Arma.


IceBreakr for Lingor Island

Xeno and Benny for inspiration

TCP for Save Weaponloadouts when respawn

Clayman for Random Weather Script

Requirements : CO or A2+OA and Lingor Island 1.5 http://www.icebreakr.info/lingor/download/

Installation : Put in gamefolder's MPMissions folder and run through Multiplayer in game.

Edited by vincentz

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The Island

The island of Lingor is divided into 12 counties. In the beginning of the game one county is randomly selected (or chosen through MP Parameters) and will serve as the battlefield.

It will have 10 points of interest (POI) which needs to be captured and held, as well as 5 Factories and 2 Radar Stations. .

Each county will also have an airport from which enemy planes will be launched.

The Officer

One Officer carries around top secret documents showing locations of Factories, Radars, POI or even have codes for enemy radio transmissions. Luckily we have a mold, who feeds Allied Intelligence with whereabouts of the Officer. Your mission is to kill him and acquire the documents before a new Officer emerges and changes the codes.

The Factories

The enemy will have 5 Factories which produces enemy troops. The more POI held by Allied forces, the slower the enemy factories will produce units. The Factories are as follows :

Barracks -> produces Infantry

Training Camp -> Produces Spec Ops

Light Vehicle Factory -> Produces Light Vehicles

Heavy Vehicle Factory -> Produces Armored Vehicles

Helicopter Factory -> Produces Helicopters

The Radar Stations

The enemy have 2 Radar Stations :

The Anti Air Radar Detects incoming Allied aircrafts and launch interceptor planes. Destroy the AA Radar and you will be able to call in Airstrikes, Gunship Runs and Supply Drops.

The Artillery Radar Detects Allied gunfire, artillery strikes, missile barrages and shore bombardments, and will direct enemy artillery and rockets to the target (not implemented yet).

The Carrier

The Carrier is the base of operations. From there you will be able to acquire planes (A10, F35B, AV8B) and attack helicopters (Cobra, Apache), as well as fuel/repair, change weapon loadouts and get reinforcements. The Cost of the services is determined in MP Parameters and the vehicles (incl recruits inside) can be returned at the lift (Lift to Storage Deck) for a refund of the score.

The Carrier Deck Crew :

Blue Crew : Aircraft Elevator Operators (lifts airvecs in and out of Service Bays and to Storage Decks)

Yellow Crew : Aircraft Handling Officers (lift airvecs from Storage Deck)

White Crew : Air Transfer Officers (ATO) (transfer player to basecamp/militarybase/fieldhospital/beachhead) and promotes players to correct rank.

Red Crew : Ordnancemen (Aircraft weapon loadouts)

Purple Crew : Aviation Fuel (Fueling aircraft)

Green : Air wing maintenance personnel (repairing aircraft)


The reinforcements are requested over the Radio (0-0-1) and are as follows :

MV22 with Marines (max 25 soldiers). Can set up a Field Hospital with AT and AA statics.

MH60S with Marines (max 15 soldiers). Can set up a Base Camp with Mortar and Mounted MG.

UH1Y with Force Recons (max 11 soldiers).

RHIB (rigid-hulled inflatable boat) with Force Recons (max 12 soldiers). Can set up a Beachhead with Mounted MG and Grenade Launcher.

Radio Channels

0-0-1 Request Carrier Reinforcements

0-0-2 Request Base Reinforcements (not implemented yet)

0-0-3 Call UAV (use com 0-8 to set location)

0-0-4 Call Shore Bombardement (use com 0-8 to set type and location)

0-0-5 Call Missile Barrage (use com 0-8 to set type and location)

0-0-6 Call Supply Drops (use com 0-8 to set location)

0-0-7 Call Airstrike (use com 0-8 to set location)

0-0-8 Call Gunship (use com 0-8 to set location)

0-0-9 Debugging channel

0-0-0 Counting Crows (shows how many enemy left as well as info of your squads soldiers class)

Edited by vincentz

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Edited by vincentz

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This sounds awesome!

If you need any more testers I am game. I have a home server to test on as well.

thanks for the hard work!

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Well, its fun modding :D (otherwise I wouldnt do), but I have to say, learning a programming language is pretty damn hard. Objects, bool, strings etc. Always gets the wrong thing. If I knew a bit more, it would go so much faster, as it is painstakingly slow atm.

I doubt it will be multiplayer compatible even though it plays from the MP lobby. My programming are simply lacking skills to make it so :( But a beta tester is always nice :D

I need to clear out some error, and then its pretty much in alpha release state :D

Got all the primary functions (Officer, Factories, Cities, waypoints, interceptors, AA radar, statics and AAs). Also shined the Carrier with a (non moving) lift that transports air vecs to cargo bay for service and weapon loadout changes. Got a RHIB dropable with Turbo on so it actually can be used for transport. Also added Afterburners to planes, though they use a bit too much fuel atm.

Got some nice camps buildable from a certain distance from RHIB (Beachhead), MH60S (Basecamp) and MV22 (Field Hospital), which randomizes positions of statics and ammoboxes. Build meself a static/item randomizer just for the purpose :D

Best of all is that (except for the weather randomizer) I have programmed everything meself :D

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Today is 2 weeks after I started on my little project. :D

I have to admit that right now I'm prolly playing more than modding, as it is indeed very playable. Still a long way to go, but gonna upload an Alpha (?) version later today.

Some things have been very hard for me to learn, and I will prolly not be able to make it multiplayer compatible, but since MP gives me the options to adjust the game parameters (time of day, type of enemy, amount of enemy, skill of enemy and allies, enemy production time, even fuel consumption by the Afterburner (found a nice rumbling sound for the afterburner as well :D)) and the option of respawning, plus scoreboard, so all in all I think it is better played from the MP section of Arma 2.

It requires CO, since apparently Lingor requires OA, and friendly units are the Marines and Force Recons.

The random placed carrier have given me some grey hairs, as the placement of units (deck crew) and ammoboxes have been either flying or got their legs cut off.

I am very happy with the result so far, as when I started the project I thought it was going to take at least a month before anything playable came out of it, and now 14 days later it is ready for some testing, with more features than I originally thought of (though not all is implemented yet).

But best part, it really feels like FULL METAL ARMA, when taking my Force Recon squad into the battlezone, dodging heavy armor, maybe sending some Arty down on it, sending demolitions specialist to blow up factories, setting up camps and killing numerous infantry. :D

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Edited by vincentz

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Changes made :

Added Repaircrew to service bay (Vehicle Service Point not working properly)

Added CM Flares, Cannon rounds and Hydras to Weapon Loadout (Vehicle Service Point not working properly)

Fixed scoring system with Reinforcements

Changed Reinforcements vehicles crew from 2x Assault Gunners to Medic+Engineer

Added MP Parameter : Carrier Service Time (Instant/Fast/Normal/Slow/Realistic)

Fixed enemy factory production time

will post new version shortly

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Getting some work done :D



Enemy Artillery (if Arty Radar up, then fire from random arty capable enemy with delay. incl. firing at Frigates)

Make Loop file instead of triggers

Enemy Waypoints for attacking player directly by closeby enemy if spotted

Fix double Loadout for airvecs exploit

Fix RoadCone Carrier CenterPiece faildropping

Turbo for RHIB

One WeaponBox for all weapons

Color new Actions different than green

More Intel Types from Officer (closest static/AA static)

Airport Capture (can send in airdrops from C130 if captured)

Factory Capture by ally (saboteur/engineer) (produce CDF vehicles)

Factory Reduced production when Areas have been captured

US Base with ground vehicles/personnel

Future versions

Secondary missions

MP Compatible

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Edited by vincentz

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