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Combat Mission: Shock Force

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Yeah, love the vehicles with grenade launchers, they are especially great for "clearing" buildings :D

And nothing as fun as calling for a massive artillery barrage and air support when time is about to run out forcing the enemy to surrender and win in the last minute.

Also tactics are eveything. In one mission I had an AT team with javelins on the roof of a big building and an Abrams hidden in some trees overlooking a street. So when the enemy send something like 10-15 tanks over that street (t-55 if I remember correctly) threatening to flank my advancing infantry, all of the tank were annihilated without knowing what hit them.

If you like that game, I advice you try out the Wargame series (if you havent already :))


Its less realistic than Combat Mission (still much more realistic than any other common strategy game), has however a much bigger scale (Red Dragon includes aerial and naval combat), and feels like ArmA High Command Capture the Island mix.

Yet again tactics, reconnaisance and logistics are imerative. For example the M1 series of tanks are good for attacking from the move, but tend to run out of fuel pretty fast, while the soviet top tier tanks are great at sniping the enemy with ATGMs from afar.

Good froce composition is also very important, if you forget AA, enemy air assets will tear your army apart. Place all AA in one place and it gets killed in one bombing run. Radar AA is very powerful (especially the soviet), is however very vulnerable to SEAD planes.

Artillery is good not only at destroying stuff, but also at lowering enemy morale.

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