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Manually Placed Buildings Being Duplicated

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Not sure if this is best in the Troubleshooting or Mission Editing; but here goes. Placing any structures manually (towers, etc.) via the below parameters cause the building placed to be duplicated a few feet away from each other -- and ONLY on dedicated server for some reason...

tower = createVehicle [""Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F"", getPos this, [], 0, """"]; tower setDir 250;

I've tested with the editor(s) and it's fine locally, however as soon as I run it via dedicated server, the buildings become duplicated....

Anyone else had this issue? Is this a recent bug, issue with the init?

Thanks in advance,


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Where do you put that code?

I am guessing a on a trigger due to using "getpos this"

Every player/unit that makes the trigger true will create a new building, you need to put isserver as the condition to the trigger and replace true.

Make sure the trigger is set to run only once as repeatable will also create multiple buildings.

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Are you using a game logic? That gets spawned for each person. Use an invisible helipad instead.

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Are you using a game logic? That gets spawned for each person. Use an invisible helipad instead.
NO!!!! Don't use invisible helipads. AI react to invisible helipads.

Use "Land_ClutterCutter_small_F" instead.

i.e. Find it in the editor under Objects/Helpers/GrassCutterSmall.

Set this as the "Land_ClutterCutter_small_F" init.

obj = createVehicle ["Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", position this, [],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];obj setdir 250;deleteVehicle this;

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