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cant get function to create a trigger

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So its my first time making a function. I have this in my init.sqf

myFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "makeTrigger.sqf";


//create trigger around ai to detect whenhelicopter has landed.
_ai = _this;

_trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos _ai];
_trigger setTriggerArea [40, 40, 0, false];
_trigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true];
_trigger setTriggerStatements ["(getPos helicopter select 2) < 4 && speed helicopter < 5 && (player distance _ai) < 40","_ai assignAsCargo helicopter; [_ai] orderGetIn true;",""];

now in my helicopters init i have a getIn event handler that then runs my script named waypoint.sqf. waypoint.sqf looks like this.

result = peter call myFunction; //note: peter is the name of the ai in the editor

The problem is that the trigger does not return to the waypoint.sqf script. I thought it would do because the last statement in the function is _trigger; which means that it should return the trigger right?

If you can't help me fix this then could you please explain how you would go about returning a trigger using a function?

also i checked my rpt log and there were no errors with the code.

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Use the format command to put _ai into the trigger statement string. You can't write local variables like that - It's in a different scope.

Edited by Fight9

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thanks flight9 that worked just like it should do now and i'll be sure to remember it in the future :)

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I'm glad you worked it out.

Truth be told, I'm glad you figured it out without me having write the exact code. It means you are learning.

Good shit

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