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Helicopter Script to bring in and drop vehicles

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Is there a script to automatically generate an AI chopper to fly in with a vehicle under its belly like the sling script and get them to drop off the vehicles? I have a mission a friend and I are doing where we are fighting our way into altis and basically need to make it look like vehicles and choppers are bringing in people and supplies. I have seen the script for spawning a vehicle under a heli when a trigger trips but I want the heli to spawn with vehicle under it and drop it at a certain way point then fly off and chopper gets deleted.

ok so I got script to work. This is what I am using and trying to figure out why the waypoints are not working for these Hunters I created.

_supply = _this select 0;

_chuteType = "B_Parachute_02_F";

_chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY'];

_chute setPos [getMarkerPos "drop_target2" select 0, getMarkerPos "drop_target2" select 1, 100];

_drop2 = createVehicle [_supply, position _chute, [], 0, 'NONE'];

createvehiclecrew _drop2;

_drop2 attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, -1.3]];

waitUntil {position _drop2 select 2 < 0.5 || isNull _chute};

detach _drop2;

_drop2 setPos [position _drop2 select 0, position _drop2 select 1, 0];

sleep 25;

_wp = drop2 addWaypoint [markerPos "mkr2", 1];

_drop2 setWPPos markerPos "wp";

_drop2 setWaypointSpeed "Normal";

_drop2 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

_drop2 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";

_drop2 setWaypointType "MOVE";

Edited by mech79

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Is there a script to automatically generate an AI chopper to fly in with a vehicle under its belly like the sling script and get them to drop off the vehicles? I have a mission a friend and I are doing where we are fighting our way into altis and basically need to make it look like vehicles and choppers are bringing in people and supplies. I have seen the script for spawning a vehicle under a heli when a trigger trips but I want the heli to spawn with vehicle under it and drop it at a certain way point then fly off and chopper gets deleted.

ok so I got script to work. This is what I am using and trying to figure out why the waypoints are not working for these Hunters I created.

_supply = _this select 0;

_chuteType = "B_Parachute_02_F";

_chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY'];

_chute setPos [getMarkerPos "drop_target2" select 0, getMarkerPos "drop_target2" select 1, 100];

_drop2 = createVehicle [_supply, position _chute, [], 0, 'NONE'];

createvehiclecrew _drop2;

_drop2 attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, -1.3]];

waitUntil {position _drop2 select 2 < 0.5 || isNull _chute};

detach _drop2;

_drop2 setPos [position _drop2 select 0, position _drop2 select 1, 0];

sleep 25;

_wp = drop2 addWaypoint [markerPos "mkr2", 1];

_drop2 setWPPos markerPos "wp";

_drop2 setWaypointSpeed "Normal";

_drop2 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

_drop2 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";

_drop2 setWaypointType "MOVE";

Hey, I have done something similar and got it to follow the waypoints by creating a group and driver and not createvehiclecrew.

grpPilot = createGroup WEST;

_unitPilot = _grpPilot createUnit ["I_Pilot_F", getPos _vehicle, [], 0, "FORM"];

_unitPilot setSkill 1;

_unitPilot moveInDriver _vehicle;

_wpPosition =_grpPilot addWaypoint [_targetPos, 0];

_wpPosition setWaypointType "MOVE";

_wpPosition setWaypointSpeed "FULL";

_wpPosition setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

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Is there a script to automatically generate an AI chopper to fly in with a vehicle under its belly like the sling script and get them to drop off the vehicles? I have a mission a friend and I are doing where we are fighting our way into altis and basically need to make it look like vehicles and choppers are bringing in people and supplies. I have seen the script for spawning a vehicle under a heli when a trigger trips but I want the heli to spawn with vehicle under it and drop it at a certain way point then fly off and chopper gets deleted.

ok so I got script to work. This is what I am using and trying to figure out why the waypoints are not working for these Hunters I created.

_supply = _this select 0; 
   _chuteType = "B_Parachute_02_F";    
   _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; 
   _chute setPos [getMarkerPos "drop_target2" select 0, getMarkerPos "drop_target2" select 1, 100]; 
   _drop2 = createVehicle [_supply, position _chute, [], 0, 'NONE']; 
   createvehiclecrew _drop2;
_drop2 attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, -1.3]]; 
   waitUntil {position _drop2 select 2 < 0.5 || isNull _chute}; 
   detach _drop2; 
   _drop2 setPos [position _drop2 select 0, position _drop2 select 1, 0];  

sleep 25;

_wp = drop2 addWaypoint [markerPos "mkr2", 1]; 
_drop2 setWPPos markerPos "wp"; 
_drop2 setWaypointSpeed "Normal"; 
_drop2 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; 
_drop2 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; 
_drop2 setWaypointType "MOVE";

The problem is on this line:

_wp = drop2 addWaypoint [markerPos "mkr2", 1];

First of all its missing a _ to point to the vehicle (since you saved that into _drop2).

Secondly addWaypoint expects a group as the preceeding parameter.

So the correct way to use it in your script would be:

_wp = (group driver _drop2) addWaypoint [markerPos "mkr2", 1];

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