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Understanding sound formula

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I'm trying to understand how the formula for the sound frequency and volume works, but i have some trouble

frequency="0.8	+	((rpm/	5200) factor[(950/	5200),(1400/	5200)])*0.2";
volume="engineOn*(camPos)*(grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/	60) factor[(((-10) max 10)/	60),(((-15) max 15)/	60)])	*	((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/	60) factor[(((-30) max 30)/	60),(((-25) max 25)/	60)]))";

What does factor[x,y] do? And what does the max thing do - e.g. (-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/60)

Is there a list of possible sources we can use? Are they the same as animation sources in model cfg? In particular i'd like to know if we can use the physx gear as source?

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-max will take the maximum value between -speed*3.6 and speed*3.6, hence the absolute value of the speed times 3.6 (the speed variable can be negative for choppers flying "in reverse" for instance).

-for factor[x,y] here is the definition : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Simple_Expression

So in your case, it gives 0 if the number in front (engineOn*(camPos)*(grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60)) is below the first argument, 1 if it is above the second and if in between, the ratio between the two arguments.

What do you mean by "sources"? The parameters "speed", "engineon" etc. ? Those are engine defined parameters. If it can help, here is a list for complex Particle Effects (probably non exhaustive): https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Particle_Effects:_Config_Parameters

Edited by super-truite

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Ok thanks.

Yes by sources i mean speed, rpm and the like. Can the same be used as in model config(section Animation sources)?

I dont see the connection between those and the particles :/

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These are values produced by the engine. For particle effects, you can for instance use them to build a number of particles for exhaust fumes (see the exhausts PE in the link I just provided). In your case, they are used in order to adjust the sound level and frequency as a function of the speed of the vehicle, the fact that the engine is on or not etc.

What is it that you need on top of that to control the frequency/sound level?

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the current gear of the vehicles gearbox would be something i would need

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Hmm it is not on this list. Sorry if I was not clear enough by the way, those parameters can be used for other stuff than Particle effects.

This guy seem to know well how the gearbox system works: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165390-Tutorial-Creating-Custom-Engine-Gearbox-and-Suspension-Vehicle-config

Maybe he came across the gear engine variable if it exists (you could try "gear" or "currentgear" ;) ?).

If no one is able to help you could hack a gear variable with "speed" and "acceleration"...

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Digging this up again -

Does somebody know what the values in the cone[] attribute represent?

			class sound{

It's found in helicopter some sound classes, i wonder if it could be utilized for other vehicles as well

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