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D. Patterson

Odd Behaviour: Triggers Created Inside a Loop

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So the loop part of my script is this

for [{_i1=0}, {_i1<_LootSpawnEX}, {_i1=_i1+1}] do 
		_lootcrate = createVehicle ["Land_CratesWooden_F",getMarkerPos "wreckmarkerf1", [], 18, "NONE"];
		Loot_DirEX = Ceil random 360;
		PublicVariable "Loot_DirEX";
		_lootcrate setDir Loot_DirEX;
		_loottrg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos _lootcrate];
		_loottrg setTriggerArea[3,3,0,false];
		_loottrg setTriggerActivation["ANY","PRESENT",true];
		_loottrg setTriggerStatements ["player in thislist", "LootAddAct = player addAction ['Pickup Treasure', 'pickup.sqf', nil, 1.5, true, true]", "player removeAction LootAddAct;"]

When I go near a spawned crate, I get the action for that crate, however it's hit and miss whether or not the action is removed, on some crates it's removed, on others it stays (Clutters the action menu)

Any ideas what's going wrong?

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1. Why do you add the actions to the player instead of simply adding the action directly to your treasurecrate?

2. There is NO reason to use a trigger as addAction itself can have a condition that defines exactly when the action should be visible.

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1. Why do you add the actions to the player instead of simply adding the action directly to your treasurecrate?

2. There is NO reason to use a trigger as addAction itself can have a condition that defines exactly when the action should be visible.

So I changed it to

for [{_i1=0}, {_i1<_LootSpawnEX}, {_i1=_i1+1}] do 
		lootcrate = createVehicle ["Land_CratesWooden_F",getMarkerPos "wreckmarkerf1", [], 18, "NONE"];
		PublicVariable "lootcrate";
		Loot_DirEX = Ceil random 360;
		PublicVariable "Loot_DirEX";
		lootcrate setDir Loot_DirEX;
		lootaddact = lootcrate addAction ["Pickup Treasure", "pickup.sqf", nil, 1.5, true, true,"","true"];
		PublicVariable "lootaddact";

But only the player who used the trigger that activated the script will get the option to "Pickup Treasure"

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