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Completed tasls disappear

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Hey everyone,

I just started creating missions and I am totally confused because I followed several tutorials, but it just doesn't work the way I am used to from the campaign.

I have this basic mission:


Task: Walk here (already assigned); Trigger with Blufor sets the task status to completed and starts the next task.

But when I walk there it simply switches to the next task, no "Task completed" sign and when the second task is activated the first one completely disappears from the task list.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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I personally don't like the modules for the tasks, it's just confusing when all the module icons look the same. So I use code in triggers or scripts to create tasks and set tasks completed. It's really easy and works better in my opinion.

To create a task:

 [blufor, "task1", ["Take out enemy cache.", "Destroy Weapons Cache", "Destroy Cache"], getpos objective1, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

blufor is the side.

"task1" is the task id.

"Take out enemy cache" is the description, can be many paragraphs long.

"Destroy Weapons Cache" is the title of the task.

"Destroy Cache" is the marker text, the white arrow with the distance and name.

getpos objective1 is the destination.

true sets the task as assigned.

To succeed the task, or fail, canceled.

['task1','succeeded'] call bis_fnc_tasksetstate;

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