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scroll listbox automatically?

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hi, does anybody know if it is possible to set a listbox to scroll automatically to the bottom entries?

I currently have a dialog with many buttons, and I would like to give the players some feedback when they press one, e.g. one button press the text "you pressed button x" would appear.

I made this by creating a listbox, and each button press adds a new entry to it. But after about 6 button presses my listbox is full, and the scrollbar stays at the top entries, so I have to scroll down manually so see the newer entries.

there are some entries in the defines.hpp called autoscrollspeed, autoscrolldelay and autoscrollrewind, I changed them a bit but I could see no difference in the behavior.

I understand this question is not really urgent or too important, but solving it would make using the dialog a bit more convenient, so if anyone has an idea, i would highly appreciate it.

thanks in advance

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Does lbSetCurSel make a listbox scroll to the the selected index if not visible ?

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That's funny, I have the exact -opposite- problem. As soon as I touch anything with a listbox on the screen, it'll automatically scroll down. I can't seem to stop it. Any thoughts on that?

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