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Retexture normals and Clothing variants

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I've been working on a simple enough mod, re-textures using the base game models. I've got them in game and working, but I still have a few problems I was hoping someone could help with.

Is it possible to edit or redirect the Normal/Bump maps that are used, e.g on the CSAT officer model. I have a edited normal .paa file, from one of the Tutorial packs, but don't know how to apply it in game.

Second problem occurs around the BLUFOR Combat Uniforms, where I can only get the long sleeve type. Are the three ( Longsleeve/Shortsleeve/Tee ) seperate models or variations on the same model, and how/where can this be changed in the config?

Any help you can give is much appreciated.

These are the Soldier and Uniform configs I'm working with:

class Irish_Soldier_F : B_soldier_base_F {
	_generalMacro = "B_Soldier_F"; 
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Irish Soldier";
	nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; //class for "naked" body
	uniformClass = "CombatUniform_Ireland_S";

	hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"MOD\TexPack\Data\C_Ire_co.paa"};

	linkedItems[] = {"Helmet_Ireland", "Vest_Ireland", "NVGoggles", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"};
	respawnLinkedItems[] = {"Helmet_Ireland", "Vest_Ireland", "NVGoggles", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"};

class CombatUniform_Ireland_S : U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest {
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Irish Uniform";
	picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_ca.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\b_soldier_03.p3d";

	hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"MOD\TexPack\Data\C_Ire_co.paa"};

	class ItemInfo : UniformItem {
		uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\b_soldier_03.p3d";
		uniformClass = "Irish_Soldier_F"; //would be same as our made soldier class
		containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry
		mass = 80; //how much it weights

		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};


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use Mikero's MoveObject to change texture/material paths of b_soldier_01/2/3.p3d models (which you will put in your addon folder and use config parameter



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use Mikero's MoveObject to change texture/material paths of b_soldier_01/2/3.p3d models (which you will put in your addon folder and use config parameter



If model is binarized, its legal?

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If model is binarized, its legal?

I saw many Arma 3 addons doing it and I cant see anything bad in it. It does not modify original model nor unbinarizing it, but it is just changing it's texture and material paths for better looking retexture.

edit: if you do not want to have theories of what is legal or illegal, there is always (^^ mentioned) HiddenSelectionsMaterials config parameter to do a same job. :)

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Well if i take some1 binarized 3d model and change path ( to include it into my addon pbo ) it may be illegal.

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Well if i take some1 binarized 3d model and change path ( to include it into my addon pbo ) it may be illegal.

As far as I know you do not need permission to retexture Arma 3 models. You only have to apply EULA and keep it in Arma 3 game. Having a model with changed tex/mat paths is as same as having hiddenSelections parameter in your config, so I cant see any harm in it. Of course, situation is different when user-made content is in question.

edit: if you do not want to have theories of what is legal or illegal, there is always (^^ mentioned) HiddenSelectionsMaterials config parameter to do a same job. :)

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I was thinkg about 3rd party models made by community not BI. But u make a point mate :)

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use Mikero's MoveObject to change texture/material paths of b_soldier_01/2/3.p3d models (which you will put in your addon folder and use config parameter



Are there tutorials or examples about for doing either of these about?

Also can anybody answer this?

Second problem occurs around the BLUFOR Combat Uniforms, where I can only get the long sleeve type. Are the three ( Longsleeve/Shortsleeve/Tee ) seperate models or variations on the same model, and how/where can this be changed in the config?


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Mikero's MoveObject is just an option. I would reccomend you to use simple HiddenSelectionsMaterials config parameter which will give you exacly the same result.


class H_LIB_ISC_HG_Cap: H_HelmetB


displayName = "Wehrmacht Cap (ISC Home Guard)";

picture = "\LIB\LIB_GER_infantry\ico\ger_cap.paa";

model = "\degcro_isoc\hg\HG_cap.p3d";

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"degcro_isoc\hg\HG_equipment_1_co.paa"};

hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"degcro_isoc\hg\HG_equipment_1.rvmat"};

class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem


mass = 1;

uniformModel = "\degcro_isoc\hg\HG_cap";

modelSides[] = {3,1};

armor = 0;

passThrough = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};



(...) Second thing: there is no short sleeves, but only rolled sleeves, tee (t shirt + pants) and standard uniform (long sleeves).

a3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d - long sleeves

a3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_02.p3d - tee

a3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_03.p3d - rolled sleeves

These are using all the same textures, so do not worry about that. Define these paths in your soldier's -model="" config parameter.

Best Regards,


Edited by DegmanCRO

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hiddenSelections are the only proper way

I contacted BI about this, and the response was that in the past they had approved on a case by case basis the legal right to modify any of there binarized A3 p3d files, but had changed their stance and it was no longer approved or even considered. So if you want to be totally legal you can only modify a A3 model file if you have an actual license to do so from before they decided to say no across the boar to all requests.

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Thanks for the advice DegmanCro, I've the new normals and uniform variations working now. I appreciate your help with this. If I can throw in one final question, and this is getting somewhat away from the configs, the new normals are just a slight variation on the default ( removing the CSAT logo ), but the in game result is much "harder" at the edges than the originals?

Large example: http://i.imgur.com/rGJTAev.jpg

Do you have any idea why this might occur?

Many thanks,


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