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Recruiting Unit Script!!! Help!!

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Hi I have recently been trying to Edit the amazing Patrol Operations 2 Mission for my clan. (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15526) The problem that I am having is that I am trying to change the type of soldiers that you can recruit from the normal US Army ones to Addon units. I have found a function that I need to change somehow as you see in the code below (mps_recruit_unittypes) I just have no Idea where I can find this function file! I have looked everywhere!

Filename = mps_func_recruit_create_unit.sqf

//Written by BON_IF

// Adpated by EightySix

if(isDedicated) exitWith{};

if((count (units group player) + count mps_recruit_queue) >= mps_group_maxsize) exitWith {hint "You've reached the max. allowed group size."};


_update_queue = {

_display = findDisplay 86030;

_queuelist = _display displayCtrl 86034;

_queuelist ctrlSetText format["Units queued: %1",count mps_recruit_queue];


_display = findDisplay 86030;

_listbox = _display displayCtrl 86033;

_sel = lbCurSel _listbox; if(_sel < 0) exitWith{};

_unittype = mps_recruit_unittypes select _sel;

_typename = lbtext [86033,_sel];

_queuepos = 0;

_queuecount = count mps_recruit_queue;

if(_queuecount > 0) then {

_queuepos = (mps_recruit_queue select (_queuecount - 1)) + 1;

hint parseText format["<t size='1.0' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ef2525'>%1</t> added to queue.",_typename];


mps_recruit_queue = mps_recruit_queue + [_queuepos];

[] call _update_queue;

WaitUntil{_queuepos == mps_recruit_queue select 0};

sleep (1.5 * (_queuepos min 1));

hint parseText format["Processing your <t size='1.0' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ffd800'>%1</t>.",_typename];

if(!mps_debug) then { sleep (6 + random 3); };

_spawnpos = [getPos bon_recruit_barracks,random 360,2] call mps_new_position;

_unit = group player createUnit [_unittype, _spawnpos, [], 0, "FORM"];

_unit setRank "PRIVATE";

[_unit] execVM (mps_path+"func\mps_func_recruit_unit_init.sqf");

hint parseText format["Your <t size='1.0' font='Zeppelin33' color='#008aff'>%1</t> %2 has arrived.",_typename,name _unit];

mps_recruit_queue = mps_recruit_queue - [_queuepos];

[] call _update_queue;

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Since you are still going to change it, why just not redefine it with your own unit array?

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How would I do that? Without having the actual file to copy from I dont think I know how!

Edited by NatanBrody

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mps_recruit_unittypes = ["model1","model2"];


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Ahh ok sounds good and the Model1 and model2 I replace with the classnames of the soldiers. Could you give an example of where to put it in the script above?

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By adding this to my mission it has not changed a bit so it must mean that the array is in another file and is overriding mine

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Make a completely new array and change it to that array in the file in question.

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