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Change Shapes radius

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Is there any way i can reduce the size of shapes created in Terrain Builder?

They are oversized compared to the road dimensions once in game.

I know there is an option by selecting one and right-clicking on it but the program won't allow me to use it, it's always greyed out.

Any suggestion? :j:

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Hi CB,

If you mean the polylines you drew when laying roads, you can make them thinner by selecting them (make sure not to select a single point of the line) and changing outline width in the bottom left pane (Selection Properties).

If you need the whole shape to get bigger or smaller, there's also a Scale box in that pane. If you check the relative box, the values will get added to the current scale value (1.0). Otherwise it will just take the value you put in and scale it to that.

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...and BadLuckBurt saves the day once again. ;)

Found it thanks!

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