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Placing and removing objects with the same script (actions).

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When I call this script, I have one box, I can place it, then remove it, via actions.

The problem is when I place one box, I call the script again, then I try to remove the first box, nothing happens, I can just remove the last box I've created.

private ["_box"];

_box = "Land_CargoBox_V1_F" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_box attachTo [player, [0,1,1]];

box = _box;
ACTION_Place = player addAction ["Place", {detach box; player removeAction ACTION_Place; ACTION_Place = nil;},"",999,false,false,"",'!isNull box'];

ACCION_Remove = _box addAction ["Remove", {if ((player distance box) < 3) then {deleteVehicle box;}; },"",999,false,false,"", ''];

Any ideas?

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because box only represents the last box you made

each time you reference box = _box ; each _box get overridden

in the computers memory you are pointing to the last box you made (so to speak) box

delete vehicle - needs to point to this (the current box)

Edited by Mikie boy

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