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DUWS (Dynamic Universal War System) - More weapons and items

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I am using DUWS to play solo campaign


Playing with this scenario enables you to spend just little time since you can save your game as you want. It is also generating a quick campaign with easy configurable parameters. It’s a good training and since I have not enough time to play in multiplayer, I found this mission very useful. If you didn’t know it, just try it, you will not regret your time ! You can also subscribe on Steam to this mission.

Everything is fine, you can command your squad and also others squad in high command mode. The only thing I miss is that weapons, uniforms and objects are too light (you just have the MX rifles and some others).

What I would like to do is to use DUWS with all weapons, uniforms and objects available in other mods. I have a compilation of a lot of mods called CPC-Arma (used by a French Arma community) and it includes all weapons but unfortunately, it seems it is also including some other mods that are interfering with DUWS especially when you want to command your squad or switch to other squad in high command mode. For example, ctrl+tab in not working to switch to high command mode when I am using CPC arma mods.

Do you have any idea on how to use more weapons, objects, uniforms, vehicules,…. With DUWS ? May be using ArmaSync could help to add some mods including all these items…

Thank you very much for your help !

PS : I posted in another sub forum if an admin can delete my previous post, thanks.

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Answering to myself, mods VTS_gesture and weapons_resting were interfering with DUWS. Changing key shortcuts for these mods resolved the problem. Now everything is working fine.

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So far the only way to get more vehicles in to the mission is edit the mission files, there should be some info in the thread if you search for it if not PM me and I will see if i can remember how to do it :)

As for Weapons you can unlock the armory and this uses the virtual ammo box which will pull all weapon mods you have installed.

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find the DUWS (modified) on steam by "Bigshot" this is the same mod but given a lot more extra stuff like the use of Virtual Ammo Box system. It allows you to kit out your squad exactly how you want with whatever you want. Cheers.

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