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Set Mode module problem

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I use the module "object modifiers". I use it to trigger squads into different formations, different positions etc.

Somehow, in the mission I am creating, it stopped working. I tried it in another mission to make sure it worked and it worked fine. There is something in my mission that is causing it not to work.

I have one green group walking then when they get to trigger, they drop to prone positions. Another group, I have them change from one formation to another. Now, I added text to the trigger so that I can make sure the trigger is working properly. And it is.

I have a trigger set for activation by independent and the type is none. It's synced to the module. Module is set to work on "group of synced objects". And I have the module synced to group leader. It's all set up correctly. I copied them and used them in a clean new mission and it worked. But something is preventing it from working in my mission.

I thought it might be the module. but I am using the module on a group putting them in a prone position. I worked on them but the module wasn't triggered. They were synced from the beginning.

So, independently, the trigger is set and works correctly

The module works correctly

But not together- just in this mission

Does anyone know what could cause this? Maybe there is a limit on how many I can use? But that never stopped me before.

All ideas and help appreciated thanks

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Sorry for not being helpful, but... it seems you make an intensive use of modules, and maybe, what you want to achieve, is easier with some easy-scripting... For example, if you want to trigger a whole squad changing to prone, just on activation of the trigger write: {_x setunitPos "DOWN"} forEach units groupname....

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